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Milly Taiden

Cover Reveal for Jennifer Blaney!



My debut paranormal romance, A Special’s Love will be released on February 4th, 2013 This amazing cover was designed by the fabulous Crystal Clifton and Jenee  Mathes. I have added contact information for them below. A Special’s Love is the first in a series, and will be available from Amazon.com in ebook and if everything goes as planned it will be on Smashwords shortly after release. So come check out this Special Love.




Kyle was not sure if he should tell her to take a hike or hug her, she looked so nervous he just couldn’t stop looking at her eyes.  Shaking himself out of his daze he looked up at her sighed, offered his hand to shake and said “Hi, my name is Kyle, I’m Jane’s brother.”

As they touched to shake hands, Brianna started to have a vision of her and Kyle sitting on a couch.  Not sure what house they were in, he was cuddling with her on the couch rubbing her large baby bump stomach.

Kyle just stood there staring at her and for the life of him he couldn’t figure out why.  He noticed she was crying the urge to take her in his arms and make all the bad stuff go away was strong and he didn’t even know the woman. He took his hand back and then he said “I don’t know why I should trust you, but for the life of me I do.  If you harm my sister in any way you will regret it, got it?”

“I understand, but let me just say I am not here to harm your sister.  I am here to help her.  What I have to say may help ease the ache in her heart” Brianna said to Kyle.



Carrie Fort is my contact person online


Cover Artist

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