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Milly Taiden

Authors After Dark

Hello you wonderful readers!

I recently got back from AAD Atlanta 2015. It was AMAZING! I saw so many of you there! And a lot of my Street Team members (18 of them) showed up to have a wonderful time. First let me start off by saying it was a heck of a lot of work but OMG so worth it. You all don’t realize how much I appreciate you. I really do. It is because of each and everyone of you I can write full time.
AAD 2015

One of the most coveted items at AAD were the “I Almost Gave A Fuck” Tees from me. Can you say awesome!? Everyone loved them!

With Eve Langlais (on the right) who shared a boardroom with me and a couple of others. It was so much fun!!!

Me and the always amazing Lia Davis! I love this lady!


With 18 of my street team members who are wearing their “Milly Claimed” or “Milly Owned” Tees! I can’t thank them enough for all they do every day!

Most surprisingly, I won a Bookie for Twice The Growl as Menage of the year!!! This is all thanks to you!

I got to hang out with amazing author and reader friends! Like all cons there was just a TON of silly stuff and lots of laughs!

With Robyn Peterman-Zahn

With Robyn Peterman-Zahn

AAD2015_9 AAD2015_10

Costumes, Selfies and so much more!


I loved every second and cannot wait to go back next year. Be sure to come to The Novel Experience because I will be there along with so many authors who love readers!

2 comments to “Authors After Dark”

  1. Crystal
      · October 8th, 2015 at 5:33 pm · Link

    I love keychains

  2. Jane
      · February 11th, 2016 at 8:40 am · Link

    Where did you get the white dress with the crystal beading? It’s absolutely gorgeous! ! I must get one of my own lol. I love your books and read them regularly (sometimes more than once ). Can’t wait for the next one.


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