$5 GC – Jenny and Tina Donnelly
Welcome to my stop in the Gifting Books Giveaway Hop!!
I’ve been gifted a lot of books through the years. Some were exactly to my taste and others not so much. I think with each book I found something in it to keep me reading it. My favorite book is an OLD romance with the words Fleur de Lis in the title. It’s in English but it’s about a Russian princess who lost her memory and wakes up married to a privateer. The romance and the action in that book kept me sighing for the entire duration. I got that book almost twenty years ago and treasured it for a long time. But with moves and things of that nature, I lost it at some point. I was devastated. I loved that story so much I went on Amazon looking for it. And I found it!!! :D I bought it and it’s at home. I read it again but after so many years, and my own writing happening, it was still good, but now I looked at it differently, through the eyes of a writer. I still love the story and will always treasure it for what it was, one of the many romances that pushed my love of writing…
Thank you for stopping by today. Here’s what you can win here.
2 Winners – Each will each take home a $5 amazon gc from my stop.

Take a moment to read about my latest release: Stranded Temptation.
Stranded Temptation
Stranded together, their passions will run wild.
Kara has a deep dislike for her boss, Max. She also wants him so badly it’s making her nuts. He’s a workaholic, a robot man. And he’s never shown the least bit of interest in her or anything else that wasn’t recorded in the corporate minutes. But when their plane crashes on the way to a meeting, leaving them stranded on a deserted island…just the two of them, all alone with all that ocean around them…Kara decides it’s time to start living. And by living, she means using Max for all the hot sex she’s been denied.
Max wants Kara—has wanted her for a long time. Unable to come out and cross the line between professional and personal, he makes her accompany him on business trips just to have her around. When they crash land and Kara shows him how much she wants him, he decides to quit being so professional and take the woman of his dreams. After all, what happens in the middle of nowhere, stays in the middle of nowhere. Until they’re rescued.
Back in the real world, things aren’t as easy. Kara is afraid to start a relationship with a man who completely ignored her until she took off her clothes, and Max is afraid she’ll never be able to trust him. But when someone makes it clear that Kara’s in danger, Max has more to protect than Kara’s feelings. And now that he has her, he’s not about to let her go.
My fave book gift so far was Divergent
for me it was royal street because it’s the first one i received from an author
thank you a lot and happy holidays
baby board books are the best gifts I got when my children were born. Even to this day they remember having those books read to them for all those years
my fave book gift so far is the hobbit
Best book gift? My Nancy Drew collection from my grandparents.
mslasha at gmail dot com
My favorite book gift was a hardback copy of all three Lord of the Rings novels in one volume by my dad. Thank you for the giveaway!
-Diva J.
My mother gave me a copy of Michael Crichton’s “Andromeda Strain” when I was a teenager. I’ve been fascinated with microbiological science fiction ever since. I love romance too lol :)
rmwyer at shaw dot ca
Little Women.
I loved Stranded Temptation it is my favorite by Milly so far but every new book by Milly becomes my favorite.
well…that’s some great book right there Barb LOL :D
the world of og…
Best book gifted to me was Retribution by Sherrilyn Kenyon, huge fan of hers so I was so excited to receive this book. Happy Holidays!
Harry Potter series ,still one of my favorites :)
The Hunger Game trilogy.
susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com
Fix You by Mari Carr, Thanks for the giveaway :)
I was thrilled to receive signed copies of Eden Winters’ DIVERSION and the entire Little Boy Lost series by JP Barnaby.
Books that I have met the author and had it signed and personalized to them are my favorites to give out
One of my favorite gifts was a Robert Frost poem book given to me by my father.
Happy Holidays
Julie K
Stranded Temptation sounds like a great read. I’ve received many books this year and by far many of them are great. Haven’t gifted a book to anyone yet since sadly to say none of my friends read the types of books we read. So I’m waiting for a day when I can share some of my back listed books, maybe to a reader on these blog hops.
One of the most special books i have been given was Pride and Prejudice. My best friend is a Jane Austen fan and before i decided to move (states) I finally relented and decided to read the book and watch the movie with her before I moved. The day I was leaving, we were both trying not to cry and she gave a copy of the book.
I give everyone I know The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Most special is the book my daughter had published by Cambridge U based on her graduate thesis. Way over my head but very special none the less
One of the most recent best ones has been Seduction and Snacks by Tara Sivec :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I love reading so I always get books for gifts. I love all books so my favorite is probably what ever I receive at the time
It has to be Twilight! I discovered the pleasure of reading/listening to a romance novel.
(You asked, What was the most special book you’ve gifted or received?)
I received the book Fury – (New Species series) by Laurann Dohner. I didn’t think I would like it because I wasn’t a strong paranormal reader. I was enthralled by it and stayed up most of the night reading it. I couldn’t put it down! I was hooked and purchased the rest of the series. She is an outstanding writer! I have all of her other books as well. They didn’t disappoint. I look forward to her future releases.
Thanks for the opportunity to share.
Best wishes to you and your family during the holidays.
Belinda G
belgre AT comcast DOT net
It was a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird. My favorite book. Happy Holidays and thanks for this opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
It was a book on Camp Counseling Book that was written by my Great Aunt back in 1950’s. I got a first edition of the book.
crystaley73 at yahoo com
I got a full collection of Narnia books once. Ah nostalgia!
I usually try to gift books that I know my friends will like, but I can’t think of any one gift that was super special. Thanks for the giveaway!
Signed copies of the Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent!
I don’t gift books, because nobody I know likes reading. The most special I’ve received was a collection of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytales when I was a kid. I loved them, read them many times and still have the battered copy.
I was gifted an antique copy of Dracula, my favorite book. It meant the world to me.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have recieved several books that are signed/ personalized by authors…I really hold those dear! Merry Christmas!
I received an autographed book from a favorite author.
Last year I received a kindle :)
My favorite gift was the Chronicles of Narnia that I gave to my best friend because I wanted her to enjoy them as much as I had. Thanks for the giveaway.
elewkf1 at yahoo dot com
When I was pre-teen, my aunt & uncle left their dog with us over Christmas vacation. Upon their return, I received a complete set of the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder for doing such a good job. I still have it.
drainbamaged.gyzmo at
I’ve received several signed copies of different books and I keep those in a special place.
Die for Me.
I would have to say the vampire academy books by Richelle Mead one of my favorites I got!
Thank you for the great giveaway and Happy Holidays too you!
Every book I have ever been given is the best because someone thought enough of me to buy me books.
Ashley A
a signed book from an author
I don’t really let people buy me books. I’m OCD about the books that I buy so I have to make sure that I like the book before I buy it. My friends and family know its better to buy me a giftcard to B&N instead.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I gifted a signed copy of my friend’s favorite book to her!
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen for my b-day about 8 years ago :)
My grandmother gave me some Georgette Heyer books. She is one of my favorite authors.
My sister gave me Divergent for my birthday!
Hidden Away by Maya Banks. She personalized it and I couldn’t stop girl squeeing for the whole day!
Happy Holidays!
ehaney578 at AOL dot com
My grandmother’s bible. It was handed down to me.
The best book(s) received…autographed copies of Love UnScripted & Love Unrehearsed….so excited!
Gotta love those old-school Romances! My favorite gifted book was one I gifted to myself from my mom’s bedside table – The Wolf and the Dove. I’m tempted to re-read it too, but it’s pretty long so maybe I’ll save it for my golden years (they’re not all that far away!).
Happy Holidays!
c.descoteauxwrites [at]
gifted pride and prejudice
Lord of the Rings
A special book about friendship.
thanks for the giveaway
my1lulabug at yahoo dot com
I gave a copy of Little Women to my oldest niece!!
The only people I give books to are kids because I try to instill a love of reading in them but I can’t remember any specific titles. Sadly, most of the adults I know don’t like to read. My son does but he chooses his own titles as do I.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My first signed book from an author was probably my favorite, FORBIDDEN NIGHTS WITH A VAMPIRE by Kerrelyn Sparks.
I won the Hunger Games before I actually wanted to read it, and when I did, I was completely blown away!
I won Legend by Marie Lu and it’s great!
Thanks for the giveaway! And Happy Holidays!
Anne of Green Gables from my mother.
Divergent! As a prize
There’s Something About Christmas
me mom loves cats so just gave her chicken soup for the soul can’t believe my cat did that, well probably not that special though.
I don’t know if it was special necessarily, but I did love it…I gifted Poison Princess to a friend who loved it as well. :)
Thank you for the great giveaway!
Many years ago, when I was still in middle school, my mom gave me Alas Babylon and told me it was a favorite of hers. It was great to share a love of books with my mom.
i once got an original copy of Dracula for my birthday. best book ever!!
thanks for the giveaway!
miriam.whitewolf @
I was gifted with my grandfather’s book of Robert Frost poems. I always remember him reciting lines from “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening”. So after he passed, my Mom gave it to me. I treasure that book & a smile crosses my face when I have it in my hands & gently read thru it.
I think all of the books I receive are special and even the ones I don’t. I know, corny, but it is honestly how I feel. Everyone’s word that they have taken the time to document is precious! Hi Milly! :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Best wishes,
I gave my niece Where The Sidewalk ends years ago and it is still her fav book!
I won two signed books from Mimi Jean Pimiloff’s series..Accidentally in love with a…God?. I love them.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
Twilight…because it started my reading adventure!
I received a copy of “Oh the Places You Will Go” signed by all my teachers at my graduation- I still treasure that copy so much!!
When i was younger, i received the Ramona Quimby series. They are my childhood favorites and mean so much to me!
My fourth grade teacher gave me a copy of Roald Dahl’s The BFG. It remains one of my favorites…even today.
The Bible. My wife’s parents gave me one when we were dating just over a year.
My husband bought me one of the Alex Cross novels one year, other than that I do not remember ever receiving a book as a gift.
I received a signed book by anne geddess one year. So beautiful.
The first book gifted to me was when I was a kid. One of my teachers gave me her copy of Little Women. It started my lifelong love of reading.
One of the most special books that I have received would be Oh the Places You’d go by Dr. Suess and one that I’ve given would be The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.
jessangil at gmail dot com
I once received a copy of twas the night before christmas….that book means a lot to me :)
The most special book I received had to be Gentle Warrior By Julie Garwood. My mother bought that book for me back when it first came out in 1985. It was my second romance novel and started me on the path to all things Julie Garwood. I have always LOVED to read (Shakespeare and Poe to name a few) but with Julie it opened up the world of romance novels. To this day she has remained true to who she is as a writer, which keeps her as my favorite author. If not for her I may not be the book blogger that I am today.
I gave the Harry Potter series to all my children. Got everyone one of them into reading.
My first novel given was Bertrice Small’s Spitfire. I have read every novel she has published since then.
I love the family books I get each year for Christmas
My family and friends often share and/or gift books to each other that we think the other person will like, so several of my books are extra special as they didn’t just come from the book store (although I love those too!).
Probably the bible my brother gave me about 25 years ago.