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Milly Taiden

Caged Heat Release Party ***WINNERS***



Want to know who won the games at the release party? Winners listed below in order of game played and prize to be awarded!

DID YOU WIN? AWESOME!!! GO BACK TO THE PARTY AND PM Master Pimp Iris with your address or email address if it applies

YOU HAVE 48 HRs or your prize is FORFEITED and a new winner will be selected.



Host Prize


 Caption Kitty  Milly Taiden  Stone Soup keychain  Jeannie Shahid Christo
 Fill in the Blanks  Milly Taiden  Stone Soup Necklace  Nicole Kuhn
 Caption Cowboy  Jennifer Wedmore  Cassie Keychain  Crystal Newman
 Fill in the Blanks  Jennifer Wedmore  Mohawk Moon by Nicole Kuhn  Kelly Erickson
 Create a story  Jennifer Wedmore  Flowerpot Christmas tree by Brooklyn Wilde  Amanda AJ Jones
 Fill in the Blanks  Sheri Spell  Demon’s Captive by Selena Illyria  Karey Smith
 Caption Puppy  Sheri Spell  A Second Chance at Forever by JM Stewart  Jennifer Wedmore
 Word for Sexy  Sheri Spell  CH Tote  Helena Ferrell
 Fill in the Blanks  Bad Barb  CH Tote  Jeannie Shahid Christo
 Fake or Real  Bad Barb  Cassie Keychain  Karen Palmer Arrowood
 Unscramble the Title  Bad Barb  By Surprise by Alyssa Turner  Kandi Steger
 Extras  at unscramble  Bad Barb  Cassie keychain  consolation: Karen and Fran
 Caption This  Iris Pross  Mr. Buff by April Angel  Whitney Baer
 Wordgo  Iris Pross  CH Swag Pack  Karen Palmer Arrowood
 Find Picture Difference  Iris Pross  Caged Heat Mousepad  Helena Ferrell
 Fill in the blank  Bad Barb  Teach  Me To forget by Mona Karel  Zee Hayat
 Sexy man cooking photo  Bad Barb  CH Swag Pack  Nicole Kuhn
 Fill in the blank  Bad Barb  SC Tote  Kerry Erickson
 Caption Adult Toy  Jennifer Wedmore  Nerd Accessories CH set w bookmark  Amanda AJ Jones
 Caption Doggie  Milly Taiden   Trust and Betrayal by Dani-Lyn Alexander  Amy Taylor
 Wordgo  Iris Pross  Swagmaster Bookmark  Tina Connors Myers
 Caption funny guy  Iris Pross  Nerd Accessories keychains  Kerry Erickson
 Fill in the blanks  Milly Taiden  charm bracelet  Iris Pross
 Caption Sexy Guitar man Iris Pross  wine charms  Nicki Bland
 Milly Trivia  Milly Taiden   Sharp Change or other Milly backlist  Melissa Limoges
 Caption Fairy  Iris Pross  Milly Keychain  Michelle Lewis
 Caption Vodka man  Iris Pross  CH Tote  Barb Hicks
 Wordgo  iris pross  ch swagpack  Crystal Newman
 Caption man w flower  iris pross  Ch swagmaster bookmark   Lindsay Avalon
 Caption man w shoe  iris pross  Stone Soup bookmark  Jeannie Shahid Christo 3rd and final win
 Wordgo  Lindsay Avalon   Fate’s Wish by Milly Taiden  Kerry Erickson 3rd and final win
 Wolf caption  Lindsay avalon  CH mousepad  Kelly Erickson
 Caption Pink  Lindsay Avalon  Nerd accessories keychain   Nicole Kuhn 3rd and final win
 Caption game   Sheri spell  Stranded Temptation by April Angel  Kelly Erickson 3rd and final win
Other word for sultry  Sheri Spell  Cassie keychain  Karey Smith
 Fill in the blanks  Sheri Spell  SC tote  Karey Smith 3rd and final win
 Find the perfect Ry  Brooklyn Wilde  Swagmaster Bookmark  Whitney Baer
 Ask Ry to cook for you  Brooklyn Wilde  Gone by Barb Han  Ikelia Francis
Best Wolf Tattoo  Brooklyn Wilde  Cassie Keychain  Tina Connors Myers
 Caption Puppies  Crystal Newman  CH Swag Pack  Tina Connors Myers 3rd and final win
 Caption Bike Ryan  Crystal Newman  CH Mousepad  Sheri Spell
 Fill in the Blanks  Crystal Newman  CH Tote  Sheri Spell
 Tell a story bonus final game  Milly Taiden  CD and book by Tiffany Carmouche (Imposter)  Whitney Baer
 Honorable Mentions
 1  $5 Amazon.com GC  Theresa Esterline
 2  $5 Amazon.com GC  Sheri Spell
 3  $5 Amazon.com GC  Len Phelps
 4  $5 Amazon.com GC  Teracia Loretan
 5  $5 Amazon.com GC  Karen Roman
 1st Grand Prize  Tote
Swag Pack
Stone Soup Keychain
Stone Soup Necklace
Charm/Bead bracelet
Nerd Accessories – Bookmark set
Wine charm set
$15 Amazon GC
Signed copy of surprised by seduction anthology
Ebook set 5 (you can tell yourself what those are)
 Iris Pross
 2nd Grand Prize  Swag pack
Stone Soup Bookmark
Nerd Accessories Keychain
Charm/Bead bracelet
Sharp Change Mousepad
$15 Amazon GC
Ebook set 3 (Iris will let you know what those are)
signed copy of Surprised by Seduction
 Crystal Newman
 3rd Prize  $15 Amazon.com GC
Bead Bracelet
Stone Soup Designs Keychain
Swagmasters Designs Bookmark
 Tiffany Krepps



3 comments to “Caged Heat Release Party ***WINNERS***”

  1. Ashley A
      · April 5th, 2013 at 7:56 pm · Link

    All I see is a white square….hate my computer!! I know I didnt win anything but I’d like to see who did.

    • Milly Taiden
        · April 5th, 2013 at 7:57 pm · Link

      No one has won yet. The party will begin in a few moments.

  2. Darlene
      · April 5th, 2013 at 8:20 pm · Link

    I couldn’t pull up the winners for caged heat. Who were they?


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