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Milly Taiden

Mr. Smut Queen Takes Over…

So. In continuing with my new use for the blog, I have a special guest today. My hubs is here to give you all a bit of super personal insight that I am not sure I agree with but what the heck, right? Have fun!

Hi everyone. A little history since I don’t know how much you know about us. When I met Milly I knew she loved to read and write but never realized she’d  reach this goal so quickly. We met when she was only 21 yrs old and have been together for going on fifteen years. The things we’ve been through in this time have  proven to me time and again that there is nobody that is more on my side than her.


 I did encourage her from the beginning to put her books out, but she was always scared to let anyone read her work. I’m glad she finally did because she loves writing. Though at times I see little of her because she’s always doing something, I know she’s doing something she loves so I don’t stress it. Milly is the type of person who will give to anyone without asking for anything in return. Sometimes that’s hard for people to understand because there are not many like her. I realized this when I met her and it took me one look before I knew she’d be my wife.

I know some people have asked if I’ve read any of her books. I haven’t. I mean I probably already know what’s happening since there have been some instances where I’ll be passing by her office and all of a sudden she yanks me inside and tells me to do this or that. A lot of times this turns out to be quite fun for both of us. I mean what guy will say no to his wife wanting to get sexy without him having to ask? Not this guy. Heck, just her giving me any kind of look is enough to get me naked in under 30 seconds. Not that you needed to know that or anything. Truth is, I enjoy anything to help her writing and me to get lucky.

There were some instances where the research didn’t work out so well. One time she asked me to spank her and I’ve never spanked any woman before.


I have really large hands. I worried about hurting her, but she was very demanding- something that if you know her, know is second nature to her. So we’re enjoying this ‘research’ and I go and try the spanking. Again, I’ve never spanked her or anyone before. And my only spanking experience is when my mom busted me upside the head when I was a kid so not a good way to start. For those that don’t know, my wife has a big butt. Which is awesome for me since that’s one of the things I like about her. But I figured since she has a big butt I didn’t have to be super soft. So I was going to do it. I was going to spank her.


She’s always saying how in her books women ask for more and harder so I got the idea in my head she wouldn’t have to tell me twice. I pulled my hand back and swatted her softly. Or so I thought.

She scooted away from me and screamed. Bad sign #1. Then she whipped around and gave me the evil glare. Bad sign #2. Yeah, you know the one. You women use it to tell a man with your eyes that the ‘shop’ is closed and any attempt at trying to go anywhere near it will result in electricution for his dumbass.

She tells me I was too rough. Well I did tell her I had never done that before. I apologized and that was the end of that experiment. Bad sign #3. I didn’t get any further that time. But if you know Milly, she’s persistent. (BOSSY) IMG-20111201-01365


The next experiment gone wrong was the time she wanted me to pull her hair. Don’t get me wrong, I will gladly pull her hair but my wife gets migraines and has sensitive scalp. So I was unsure if that was a good idea. She said to do it, so I did. What kind of guy would I be to deny my wife of the research she needs to write hot sex? And get some in the process.

So we’re having a good time doing some new things when she gets on all four and proceeds to tell me what she wants me to do to see if it will work in her book. That included the hair pulling. I said okay. So I grabbed her hair and pulled a little. And I gotta say. It was fun. I got a little carried away with the pulling though. Before I realized it she was yelling for me to let go of her hair. Apparently I got so into it I started to pull harder and harder and didn’t notice. Yeah. That killed that experiment. Can I catch a break? Yes, I can.

But not all have been failures. We’ve had some great results. Except for the time we went on vacation and stained a suede sofa with some lube. That was an expensive experiment but we both enjoyed the results. All in all I gotta say our success rate has been great versus the ones I am banned from talking about or reminding her of.

04-03-2005 06_16_04PM (2)

On the plus side, I’ve got the right spanking and hair pulling pressure and speed down packed! Yeah, I’m good like that. Point for the husband! Only took a few not so fun times to figure it out, but now I am officially ‘the man’ when it comes to that and some other areas she swore she’d kick my ass on if I mentioned.


When I married my bossy wife, I didn’t realize our sex life might inspire her writing. But I am more than willing to sacrifice my time and my body for her books. You ladies can thank me by encouraging new research which involves sex. Lots of sex.

But back to the real reason I’m here. People always ask her how I feel about her writing what she writes. I think it’s fantastic. It doesn’t matter what she writes as long as she loves what she writes. I know writing isn’t easy. There have been days (sometimes weeks) she’ll stress over a story and even get upset she can’t figure it out. She doubts herself constantly and I wish I could stop that. But there is no question about how much I want her to succeed. Not for any reason other than I really like it when she’s happy. She’s always encouraged me to do whatever I want, so I want her to be the best she can at what she loves.

Through the years we’ve had our ups and downs but one thing is for certain, I’ll always stand by her in whatever she does. Just like she’s done for me. I know I don’t tell her this often enough, but I love my wife. We argue and disagree on things (usually because she always wants her way…did I mention she’s BOSSY?) but at the end of the day I’ll always be here for her and I know she’s always here for me.  We have a beautiful family and that’s what matters most.


Thanks for letting me chill with you and hopefully she doesn’t ban me now that I shared too much information!


21 comments to “Mr. Smut Queen Takes Over…”

  1. Emilia
      · January 7th, 2014 at 11:19 am · Link

    Omg! That was an amazing post! Such a great hubby!!! :)

    • Milly Taiden
        · January 7th, 2014 at 11:41 am · Link

      He has his moments :P LOL!

  2. Nicole Montgomery
      · January 7th, 2014 at 11:21 am · Link

    This was Awesome hahaha! Milly you have a Damn good hubby <3

    • Milly Taiden
        · January 7th, 2014 at 11:41 am · Link

      Thanks! I’ll let him know he didn’t mess up LOL

  3. Nicole
      · January 7th, 2014 at 11:24 am · Link

    Aw… so sweet! Don’t feel bad. My hubby hasn’t read a single book of mine either, but definitely also “reaps” the rewards! I think it’s great that you take an “active” role in something your wife enjoys :) <3 wubs my Milly!

    • Milly Taiden
        · January 7th, 2014 at 11:40 am · Link

      Nicole I know! He constantly asks if there’s anything else we need to ‘research’ LOL

  4. Corey Wisniewski
      · January 7th, 2014 at 11:26 am · Link

    Wow! Can I say…Yummm. When Milly said her hubby was hot I wanted to see pics. Yes, definitely hot. And I have to commend you for helping her (Wink Wink) with the research! A good author is someone who writes stuff that they research in great detail! Good for you to help…LOL…But in all seriousness, Milly is a great author and I have gotten to know her a bit through blogs and facebook and she is just the sweetest person ever! I love everything I have read from her so far. Continue being a great hubby and you will continue being allowed to help research…LOL…

    • Milly Taiden
        · January 7th, 2014 at 11:40 am · Link

      LOL! Corey you are hilarious! I swear he’s gonna be walking around all full of himself saying how awesome he is!

  5. Michelle
      · January 7th, 2014 at 11:37 am · Link

    Mr. Smut Queen,
    You are a) a prince for allowing your mind, body and spirit (er, man bits) to be used so selflessly for your wife’s creative process and b) HYSTERICAL. My friend, you have a great sense of humor and I’m sure y’all have a lot of laughs at Casa de Smut Queen. Many men say they support their wives’ endeavors, but the ones who actually do it are very rare, indeed. Count yourself among the enlightened, Mr. Smut Queen. :)

    Milly – I saw you’re going to be at Authors in the City in March. This tropical FL girl will be there!!! I haven’t been to NYC in a few years and I missed it. Hope to meet you! Voy pa ya, mujer!

    Hugs from FL,

    • Milly Taiden
        · January 7th, 2014 at 11:39 am · Link

      aww Thanks Michelle! Don’t give him too much praise or he’ll get a big ego. Well, a bigger ego. I won’t be able to make it to AITC BUT Since I live in NY just give me a holler and we can have dinner one night :D

      • Michelle
          · January 7th, 2014 at 2:31 pm · Link

        Awesome! I arrive on Friday around 2:00 p.m., so maybe dinner? We can chat closer to the date.

  6. Rachel Firasek
      · January 7th, 2014 at 11:50 am · Link

    So sweet. My hubby just recently pissed me off by calling my smut “porn.” As if. :)

    • Milly Taiden
        · January 7th, 2014 at 11:52 am · Link

      LOL Rae, he is actually pretty defensive about it. My nephew recently told his gf that I write porn and he came to my defense and said they’re romance with very hot sex. There’s a difference. I laughed at his outrage LOL

      • Rachel Firasek
          · January 7th, 2014 at 12:03 pm · Link

        Oh, he gets extra kinky sex for that one. :) I tried to explain the difference, but it just wasn’t taking. Of course, if he’d read one of my books maybe he’d be able to tell. Besides, mine are half as naughty as yours. *winks*

        • Milly Taiden

            · January 7th, 2014 at 12:56 pm · Link

          LOL You know you write the hot stuff too! Don’t deny now :D

  7. Tonya M Rupell
      · January 7th, 2014 at 12:19 pm · Link

    How awesome was this article! …..? Totally awesome! Thank you for sharing! We all know Miss Milly is super, but now we know that so is Mr Milly! Keep practicing so Milly can write more hot stuff for us!

    • Milly Taiden
        · January 7th, 2014 at 4:01 pm · Link

      Thanks Tonya! He loved reading all the comments LOL

  8. sonia
      · January 7th, 2014 at 2:57 pm · Link

    oh my ,you seem to have a great husband .its nice that he allows you to use him as a research tool and you both get
    the benefits.you two seem to have a great marriage .please tell Mr Milly thanks for understanding your job because you make a lot of people happy with your writing .

    • Milly Taiden
        · January 7th, 2014 at 4:01 pm · Link

      He says he’ll continue to sacrifice himself for my books for as long as necessary :D

  9. Teracia Loretan
      · January 7th, 2014 at 5:58 pm · Link

    runs over and tackle hugs mr. milly (lol)! Hubby its great to meet you. Thank you for being so supportive. I love milly hottness. I will do my best to encourage more research !

  10. Karen Roma
      · January 9th, 2014 at 4:45 am · Link

    Thank you visiting with the “Smut Queen’s” minions T.
    And Milly, all I can say is if my DH was one quarter as accommodating as Mr. Smut Queen, I’d NEVER leave the bedroom, couch, kitchen, garage….well you get the picture ;)


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