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Milly Taiden

History of Santa Claus (St. Nicholas). 31 Days of Christmas

31dayslogoWowza, Christmas is almost here. Tomorrow my son, and lots of other small children around the world, will eagerly wait for Santa Claus to come and deliver presents.  But, do you know the origin of Santa Claus?  Per History.com, legend has it that it started with a person in Holland, St. Nicholas aka Sinter Klaas, who reportedly gave all his wealth away and traveled around the country to help the sick and poor. As time passed, St. Nicholas became one of the most popular saints in Holland and he became known as the protector saint of children and sailors. It is big tradition in Holland to celebrate St. Nicholas around December 6, which is when St. Nicholas died.

santaEventually, the legend made it’s way to America in the late 1700s, with the help of Washington Irving and some news reporters. In 1804, the New York Historical Society gave out wood carvings of St. Nicholas, which had carvings of toys and stockings–which have now become the famous hallmark of Santa Claus.

For a complete history on Sinter Klaas/Santa Claus, visit History.com,  the source of the information provided in this post.

31dayssportspackIsn’t that a neat legend?  When did you learn that Santa Claus, as we know him today, wasn’t “real”—there was no jolly man in a red suit who traveled all across the world in a magic sleigh guided by flying reindeer delivering gifts to “good” boys & girls?  Comment below for a chance to #win a signed sports pack.

Don’t forget to stop by Mina Carter‘s blog, too, for all the 31 Days of Christmas fun and enter the #giveaway for a brand new Kindle Voyager (or $199 gift card). Winners from all giveaways will be announced on January 4, 2015.

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8 comments to “History of Santa Claus (St. Nicholas). 31 Days of Christmas”

  1. Sue G.
      · December 23rd, 2014 at 9:30 am · Link

    I was 10. I can still remember it vividly!

  2. Lisa K
      · December 23rd, 2014 at 10:50 am · Link

    WAIT??? What do you mean that he is not real???

    No, serious, I was only about 7/8 as I had an older brother who told me in an argument. Our parents really told him off for that as they were hoping for a couple more years of me still believing. Good job he doesn’t really exist as I would never be off the Naughty List!!!

  3. miki
      · December 23rd, 2014 at 11:13 am · Link

    arf for me you are mixing things up^^;; in holland but also in Belgium and north of France we have Saint Nicolas ( 6th december) for history he was a eveque in was it now Turky..; he deliver presents to children
    Then we have Santa Claus completely different character who come on teh 24th december^^

    and who say there is no santa flying around teh globe? who say?!

  4. Marie Mattingly-Woods
      · December 23rd, 2014 at 12:35 pm · Link

    I was only about 7/8. Instead of getting ready for Santa, we (my older sister and I) were playing Santa with my parents for my little brother.

  5. bn100
      · December 23rd, 2014 at 3:48 pm · Link

    maybe 10

  6. Tina M
      · December 23rd, 2014 at 7:26 pm · Link

    But but but he is real!! Isn’t he? Oh well I guess if you tell me he isn’t than he isn’t.. :( Ok I thin I was around 8 I have 3 older sisters and they told me. It broke my heart.

  7. Jessica Hale(Parsons) (@blaisezillah)
      · December 23rd, 2014 at 7:32 pm · Link

    hmm i think i was 9 that was a rough year of learning truths for me and learning santa wasn’t real wasn’t the worse one

  8. Danisha
      · December 28th, 2014 at 2:07 am · Link

    That was really cool the History of Santa. I’m not really sure what age I was when I stopped believing in Santa I think I was probably around 10. I just remember my brother who is 6 and 1/2 years older then me is the one who told me that Santa didn’t exist and I remember crying and saying he was wrong.


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