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Milly Taiden
Lucky in Love Blog Hop ***WINNERS***

Lucky in Love


Crystal, Dawn and Kristin each won a $5 amazon.com GC!

Welcome to my stop in the Lucky in Love Blog Hop!!!

Lucky in Love? Well, are you? It’s a time of luck and wealth…or not. With each romance we find ourselves in a new world of love and memories. Are these just by chance? Is it luck? Welcome to your second annual Lucky in Love Blog Hop where we want to hear about your love, your romance, and how much you love St. Patrick’s Day!!! Are you wearing green? Ready to get pinched…or wait…do you like that?

Almost 300 bloggers have giveaways and posts about those men we love! 

But that’s not all….

We have TWO grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 200 times!

Now what are those prizes?

  •  1st Grand Prize: A $100 Amazon or B&N Gift Card (INT)
  • 2nd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more! (US ONLY)

 What an amazing giveaway from all the bloggers all for you!

I have always considered myself lucky. In life. In love. In everything. Not necessarily because I have good luck, but because I feel that good thought will bring me good luck. So generally speaking, I may not always be lucky but I like to think my luck is pretty good. Some people believe they create their own luck and I am somewhat in that frame of mind, but I don’t like to test the waters since my family is very eccentric LOL. I still think that in love there can be a combination of luck and common sense. What about you? Do you think you’ve had luck in love?


Take a moment to read about my latest release, Party Crasher.


She crashed his party and became his prize…

According to one annoying Drex Callum, Chris is a “nosy reporter.” And maybe she is. She’s heard of the super secretive event known as the Seduction Party, and she won’t be content until she finds a way in. The last thing she expects to find is that Drex is the host. She’ll never get an invitation from her nemesis—unless she finds a way to get one herself. And breaking into his house is nothing if it means getting the scoop. But what she gets instead is an eye-full of the man himself, half-naked and more than she’d ever dreamed he could be in all her teenage fantasies.

Drex has been fantasizing about Chris forever, and now that she’s a grown woman, he still has a hard time treating her like one. So when she shows up at the Seduction Party—on the auction chair!—he’s got no other choice but to teach that nosey woman a lesson. He never dreamed sex could be like this, with Chris in his room, tied to a bed, asking him for stuff that blows his mind…

 But when things turn ugly, it becomes clear that someone wants the nosey reporter dead. And Drex will have his hands full trying to keep his prize safe…

 Amazon ~ ARe ~ Barnes and Noble


And now for my giveaway! Yay! You came all this way to try to win a prize and I have 3 yes 3 prizes to give :D

  • 3 winners – will each win a $5 Amazon.com GC

  • All you have to do is use the rafflecopter and comment – have you been lucky or unlucky in love. There’s more ways to earn extra entries.

  • Be sure to leave your email in your comments for the grand prize drawing.


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Lucky in Love

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SPS: Some More Party Crasher

Another bit of Party Crasher. OUT NOW!!!


 “I’ll be fine. I probably just need a back rub or something.” She tried to keep from laughing but when she turned her head and noticed his gaze had strayed to her ass, it was hard to stop the giggles.

“A back rub?” His voice had deepened and his cock was once again standing at attention.

“Yeah. Maybe kiss the boo-boos. You know, to make them all better.” She licked her lips and stared at his hard cock. Peering up at him, she watched the flame of lust darken his eyes to that stormy blue that spoke of arousal and unleashed passion.

He crawled on the bed with a prowl and ran his hands up her legs. “If that’s the case, then I will have to kiss every single bruise until they are all feeling better. I think I’ll start with this one.”




She crashed his party and became his prize…

According to one annoying Drex Callum, Chris is a “nosy reporter.” And maybe she is. She’s heard of the super secretive event known as the Seduction Party, and she won’t be content until she finds a way in. The last thing she expects to find is that Drex is the host. She’ll never get an invitation from her nemesis—unless she finds a way to get one herself. And breaking into his house is nothing if it means getting the scoop. But what she gets instead is an eye-full of the man himself, half-naked and more than she’d ever dreamed he could be in all her teenage fantasies.

Drex has been fantasizing about Chris forever, and now that she’s a grown woman, he still has a hard time treating her like one. So when she shows up at the Seduction Party—on the auction chair!—he’s got no other choice but to teach that nosey woman a lesson. He never dreamed sex could be like this, with Chris in his room, tied to a bed, asking him for stuff that blows his mind…


But when things turn ugly, it becomes clear that someone wants the nosey reporter dead. And Drex will have his hands full trying to keep his prize safe…




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Guest Post & Giveaway ~ Fire Within

Hello you awesome readers!

Today we have the amazing Ally Shields promoting her newest book in the Guardian Witch series: Fire Within. This is the second installment after Awakening the Fire. If you have not read it, GO GET IT NOW! You will love it! I sure did. Now, without further ado, Ally Shields and Fire Within talking about favorite things.

Take it away Ally!



Favorite Things, Promo & Giveaway!


Hi, Milly! Thanks so much for letting me tell your readers about my new urban fantasy release! I brought my witch heroine Ari so she could answer a few questions before she takes off to round up a group of rowdy werewolves. I promised I’d keep it short, so I decided to quiz her on a few of her favorite things.



Q-1  Favorite drink

Ari:  Coffee, black and keep it coming.


Q-2  Favorite place to visit

Ari:  I don’t usually travel far from Riverdale. I’d love to see parts of Europe, but I’m not sure I’ll ever find the time. I visited Toronto, Canada last year, but I was on the job, so I didn’t look around much. I’m not sure I want to go back as long as Sebastian is the vampire prince.


Q-3  Favorite time of day

Ari:  That’s an easy one. Midnight—the witching hour. :) Full moon, walking in the woods. It doesn’t get any better than that.


Q-4  Favorite person to be stranded on an island with.

Ari:  Are you kidding? There aren’t any islands around here, and if I was stranded on one I’d be too busy finding a way off to care who was with me.


Q-5  Favorite author

Ari:  <grins> You want me to say you, don’t you? How about Kim Harrison. Rachel Morgan’s pretty cool.


Um, well, okay. Not a bad choice. But on that note, I think we’ll move on to the book. Thanks, Ari, for spending time with us.  (waves as Ari dashes out the door)


Now, on to the main reason for my visit. Let me reveal Fire Within (Guardian Witch #2)!


Book Blurb:


A hidden evil stalks the city…


Fire witch cop Ari Calin refuses to believe her human friend Eddie murdered a vampire—in spite of his confession. When a second vampire dies, Andreas, the sexy, charismatic vampire she dated and split from eight months ago, joins her in the hunt for the real killer.


But Riverdale may have a special kind of serial killer who’s looking for the next vampire victim. The roles of hunter and hunted become blurred. And while unterHunAri might feel like killing Andreas at times, she doesn’t want anyone else to do it…


Quick Peek Excerpt:


(Ari is talking with Lilith, an old friend, who hasn’t seen her recently, not since the night of a violent werewolf fight and Ari split up with her vampire boyfriend. Ari has just told Lilith she is going to approach a potential witness in the murder case at a dangerous vampire bar.)


“Can’t you take someone with you? Like Andreas?”


Ari tapped a finger on the desk. Lilith was prying for information. “No, I haven’t seen him in months,” she said curtly. She hoped Lilith got the point this was an unwelcome topic.


“Um, still like that, is it? Kind of hoped you’d worked it out, but I guess the rumors are true.”


Ari almost asked, what rumors, but caught herself in time. Lilith never had been shy about saying what was on her mind, no matter how intrusive, and she was waiting for Ari to encourage the personal conversation. When she didn’t, Lilith let it drop.


Of course, Ari would now continue to wonder what Lilith had heard. After all, there wasn’t much to know. Their split had been a very public affair. She had ordered Andreas to stay away from her in front of several witnesses.


Buy links:


Amazon:  http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Within-Guardian-Witch-ebook/dp/B00BQN1YUU/

B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/fire-within-ally-shields/1114797385?ean=2940016295343

ARe:  https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-firewithin-1112003-139.html



Author Bio:


Ally Shields was born and raised in the Midwest, along the Mississippi River, the setting for her urban fantasy series. After  a career in law and juvenile justice, she turned to full-time writing in 2009, and Awakening the Fire, the debut novel in her Guardian Witch series, was released in September 2012.  Ally still lives close to the Mighty Mississippi with her Miniature Pinscher, Ranger. When not writing or reading, she loves to travel in the US and abroad. Way too often she can be found on Twitter.


Contact links:




I’m so eager to share this series that I’m giving away a free ebook of Fire Within to:

  • A random commenter (or book #1 Awakening the Fire, if you prefer).

  • COMMENT. It’s that easy.

  • Good luck, and be sure to leave a way to reach you with your prize! :)

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Terrific Quote Tuesday



Welcome to Terrific Quote Tuesday!

I am sharing picks from my Sexy Biters for you to read. These are from my books so feel free to check each of them out! Enjoy

Thanks to my Sexy Biters for their suggested quotes: Jennifer and Sheri


She gave him a flirtatious look. “Are you the man who has bought me for the night?”

His eyes flared with lust, and her pussy clenched in need. He removed his clothing until he stood deliciously naked before her. His gaze raked her body and then locked on to hers.

“I’m the man you gave yourself to, forever.”

~Party Crasher~ 

 He rained small kisses on the corner of her lips. “You’re the only woman to own my heart.”

She peered up at him with a frown. “Then what the hell are you waiting for? Ask me to marry you already! I’ve only been waiting for eleven years, you know. Teenage years count. Those are very important to women.”

~Party Crasher~

 Chest heaving and almost falling out of her purple top, she bent forward some more, giving him a clear bird’s-eye view of her creamy breasts. Caught on something, she tumbled backward. Her body turned until her mouthwatering ass kissed the glass, leaving an imprint of two perfect globes. Face red with frustration, she tried to stand without falling over.

~Mr. Buff~

Marcus pulled out of her slowly, his hands caressing her breasts, and his tongue licking at her bite wound. He kissed her shoulder. “Sorry, I can’t control myself with you.”

“It seems I can’t either.” God damn, she was so confused. Marcus wanted her. A lot, judging from the thickness she felt between her legs, but since when?

~Mate Event ~ Halloween Heat III~

 “I’m going to fuck you for all the times I’ve wanted to but didn’t. Fuck you until I am the only man your body recognizes.”
She moaned as his words turned into images of their twined bodies in her head.
He licked the shell of her ear, twirling his wicked tongue in circles. “Do you want me to? Want me to fuck you until you can’t see straight?”

~Party Crasher~

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SPS: Another bit of Party Crasher

A bit of Party Crasher. OUT NOW!!!


Excitement hurled through her body.

“Don’t be stupid. You don’t even like me. Quit messing around and let me loose.” The words ended in a small whimper as he continued to strip. Her body hummed in need the moment his pants came off. 

He strolled to the bed. His muscular, powerful legs flexed with each stride. There didn’t seem to be a single ounce of fat anywhere on him. 

“I never said I didn’t like you.” He trailed his long fingers up her foot, calf, and higher to her thigh with every step he took, “In fact, I want you. Have wanted you for a long time. More than want you.”




She crashed his party and became his prize…

According to one annoying Drex Callum, Chris is a “nosy reporter.” And maybe she is. She’s heard of the super secretive event known as the Seduction Party, and she won’t be content until she finds a way in. The last thing she expects to find is that Drex is the host. She’ll never get an invitation from her nemesis—unless she finds a way to get one herself. And breaking into his house is nothing if it means getting the scoop. But what she gets instead is an eye-full of the man himself, half-naked and more than she’d ever dreamed he could be in all her teenage fantasies.

Drex has been fantasizing about Chris forever, and now that she’s a grown woman, he still has a hard time treating her like one. So when she shows up at the Seduction Party—on the auction chair!—he’s got no other choice but to teach that nosey woman a lesson. He never dreamed sex could be like this, with Chris in his room, tied to a bed, asking him for stuff that blows his mind…


But when things turn ugly, it becomes clear that someone wants the nosey reporter dead. And Drex will have his hands full trying to keep his prize safe…




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