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Giving Thanks for My Niece and Nephew ***WINNER ANNOUNCED***

WINNER IS BROOKE S – I have emailed you!


Today is our last day in a week of being thankful and showing gratitude. It is also our LAST giveaway day for the week.

I am thankful for my niece and nephew. And I want to give you A FINAL chance at a Kindle Fire!!!

These kids came into my life and took over. They are my other kids. I consider them my babies too. They have brought so much love, laughter and joy into my heart I couldn’t explain how much I have changed because of them. They taught me to open up and to fall in love with children.

Thank you for being such great kids and making me want to have my own.



Thank you for being so sweet, loving and caring of your family and friends.



Any mother, aunt and grandmother is lucky to have kids as wonderful as you in their lives.


I am blessed every day to have you both in my life. I love you.

Today’s giveaway:

A Kindle Fire!!!


To enter:

Tell me if you have nieces/nephews/step-nieces or nephews/adoptive nieces or nephews or just kids you call your nieces or nephews and what you love about them.

All winners will be announced Sunday November, 29th so stay tuned and keep entering.

64 comments to “Giving Thanks for My Niece and Nephew ***WINNER ANNOUNCED***”

  1. Kathy O
      · November 28th, 2015 at 7:53 am · Link

    Yes, I have a lot of nieces and nephews. Each one is different and since I have no children, they bring me love and joy. Now they have their own children, so iim blessed to know have each of them around. Thanks for the chance.

  2. Tina M
      · November 28th, 2015 at 7:56 am · Link

    I have 7 nieces and nephews each one is different from each other but they all know how to love and show it often. But I also have 9 great nieces and nephews each just as loving and caring as their parents. Love them all.

  3. Maritza
      · November 28th, 2015 at 8:16 am · Link

    I love my nieces so much they so special they on way. I hardly get to see them because they live so far. The not day i dont think about them love you

  4. miki
      · November 28th, 2015 at 8:21 am · Link

    no nieces or nephews… no little children in the viciny either

  5. April
      · November 28th, 2015 at 8:27 am · Link

    I have many nieces and nephews. I am especially close with 5 of my nieces. My husband and I were unable to have children of our own. These nieces are like our own children. So much so, that one of my nieces allowed me to be in the delivery room when she had her first son. I don’t know what I would do without them. I’ve told them they have to sneak the wine to me when I am in the nursing home.

  6. Diana Balow
      · November 28th, 2015 at 8:32 am · Link

    I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews by blood and about 10 other kids I feel fit that description. They also brighten my day and show me that no matter how old I am, I can still play silly games and act goofy and they will be right there with me.The carefree way we can just talk and “hang” always reminds me of what I am thankful for all year.

  7. Barbara Burdette
      · November 28th, 2015 at 8:34 am · Link

    My sistees 3 beautiful kids are like my own when one gets,hurt bad by someone that is suppose to be a father figure I took action and got my sister away from it. Those kids make me want more but I am getting to old for it. Would buy these kids anything they want because my sister is single mother of 3 and works to support all by herself.

  8. Kristi Greene
      · November 28th, 2015 at 8:44 am · Link

    My oldest sister’s kids are like my own. I was not able to have kids (thanks cancer!) so they are the closest I got to having kids. They are 22 and 18 now, but they are still my babies!

  9. Amie Perez
      · November 28th, 2015 at 8:49 am · Link

    I have 8 nephews and 4 nieces whom I love as my own. I don’t know what I would do without them in my life. I see them as God’s gift at extra love in my life. They bring me joy and laughter and I would do for them as I would my 2 daughters. So they make my cup runneth over with love!?????

  10. Melissa Smith
      · November 28th, 2015 at 9:01 am · Link

    I have lots of nieces and nephews. But I don’t see most of them often. My sister’s three kids (2 boys and 1 girl) are my other kids. I see them almost as often as my own girls. They consider me their other mother. I love them all dearly, but those three are an extension of my own.

  11. Yvonne Daniels
      · November 28th, 2015 at 9:11 am · Link

    I’m thankful for all of my nieces and nephews have one niece who teach school, one who is graduating in December for psychology, one who in nursing school and one that’s a lot of help her mom. my nephews are gentlemen who are a great joy for their parents and I thank

  12. Dana Getz
      · November 28th, 2015 at 9:15 am · Link

    I have three nieces and two nephews and I love them all to pieces! !! Our family is pretty close and I see them almost every week since we only live down the road from each other. :) My two oldest nieces are going to college next year and I’m going to miss them sooooo much but they promise they will come home to visit often !!! http://millytaiden.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_heart.gif

  13. Donna Wolz
      · November 28th, 2015 at 9:38 am · Link

    I’ve got 2 nephews that are the light of my life. My brother is 10 years younger than me, so I was like a second momma. When his boys came along I felt like Grandma. They have brought such joy and goodness in to my life. I don’t know how we had any fun before they came in to the family.

  14. Terina
      · November 28th, 2015 at 10:37 am · Link

    I have a great group of adoptive kids, and nieces and nephews. Zack and James were my first and they are going to be 12 soon. I wast sure I was going to have kids so I spoiled James a lot. I love my extended family.

  15. Athena reed
      · November 28th, 2015 at 10:49 am · Link

    If you have seen my other posts then you might know that since my sisters are between 16 & 13 years older then me that they were more like moms then siblings, so the first few neices an nephews are as close to me as most brothers an sisters. My sister Cathy’s (she is the youngest of my big sisters) three children though are more like my first set of kids. They reffer to my as mom2 an even though now are all over 21 still come to my house to hang out, eat an just check in. I was only around 10 when I started to watch her first child. Cathy was a single mom (she didn’t marry until just a few years back when she was 43) she worked to jobs an at that time was also going back to college, since she lived in the same apartment complex as us I helped with ty, then xanadu an eventually dillen. By 15 even as I went to school everyone knew I had my three kiddos much of the time after, when I was in highschool their school would call my school if one was sick since they knew Cathy would likely be at work or trying to sleep between jobs. I had my first child two weeks before I turned 16, an unlike many teen moms I knew exactly how to handle a baby, an still went to school while taking care of her. To me she was my fourth kid, even my hubby when we met an was very determined to win over my daughter, spent alot of time with my other set. By then though Cathy was living with us, she was down to only one job an so spending more time her kids. If she hadn’t been able to step back up to more of a mom role I probably wouldn’t have moved in with my hubby. Though they still spent nights an days hanging out. My three think of them as siblings an are very close to them as well. Xan calls my hubby her “uncad” uncle-dad an has actually lived with us during her last year of highschool. Now dill has a 4 year old daughter who I get to babysit an spend alot of time with an xan is prego with her first. I love all 10 of my neices an nephews (only 3 of the 10 are neices lol) an I have always tried to be the aunt they can go to if they need anything or the aunt they can call if they are in trouble an to scared to call home. I have always been so thankful to my hubby for understanding my connection to all of them (he has only a brother an only a neice an two nephews) we are a large family who love each other an are thankful we can help one another no matter how tight the budget or how far away they are (two nephews an a sister live in Oklahoma around 8 hours away) ….thanks for letting me share some of the biggest things I’m thankful for with you!!! http://millytaiden.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gifhttp://millytaiden.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

  16. Sue
      · November 28th, 2015 at 10:57 am · Link

    I have several nieces and nephews. Unfortunately, I am unable to connect with them as they live to far away from me and I just can’t afford to travel. I am however extremely grateful for Facebook in that I am able to connect with them that way! :)

  17. Daisy H.
      · November 28th, 2015 at 10:59 am · Link

    I know what you mean about loving your niece and nephew like your own. I have 4 nieces and 2 nephew (the oldest being only 8 years younger than me). I helped take care of the 3 older ones before I had my own daughter, taking them to school, buying them their favorite happy meal, being their friend and aunt. And continuing to this day to be someone they can come to. I’m also lucky that my 3 younger nieces are around my daughters age so she has others to play with since she is an only child. We

  18. Vanessa N.
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:00 am · Link

    Yes, I have a nephew. He brings out the mid in you and shows us what it like to have fun again.


  19. Julie Jacobson
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:00 am · Link

    I technically have step niece and nephew and a nephew however I don’t like or use the word step. I have a niece and nephews that I love very much. I love to spend time with family.

  20. Angela Gilliland
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:00 am · Link

    All my family lives 10 hours away. But there is a special child here that’s friends with my son. His mom moved away and he lives with his grandmother. He stays at my house more than home and I’ll sure miss him when we move

  21. Jen
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:07 am · Link

    I have a couple of nieces and one nephew from my step siblings. I was the only one out of the 4 girls who could have children.

    Unfortunately I am not very close to them, not for lack of trying. My step sister and I do not get along, she is the “parent” of one niece and my nephew. I have tried to make sure the kids know that we are always there for them, no matter the relationship I have with their mom.

    My other niece is from my step brother. They don’t live as close as the others. We did not become close until recently, by then my niece was already an adult. We are friends, and I hope she knows we are there for her.

  22. Annette Guel
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:09 am · Link

    I have been blessed with 2 neice and a nephew. My sister’s kids are young and I babysat them up until it was time for them to go to school. I don’t see them as often anymore because of that and where they live. My the neice is an adult and I have to say t h at I don’t know what I would without her in my life. We were never really close due to a divorce of her parents but when she became an adult she came to me. Ever since then she has been there for me when I needed her, especially after I had a stroke. She has taken me to doctor appointments after doctor appointments, been there for my kids when they needed her, or just kept me company. I have also been there when she needed me as much as I can be. She comes over 3 to 4 days week even though she goes to college and she works. She is one special young lady who I love like she was my own and I very thankful for having her in my life.

  23. Natasha Persaud
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:11 am · Link

    I don’t have any nieces/nephews however I do have little cousins and they are a joy to spend time with!!!! They remind me of my childhood and memories created then and every opportunity I get I always try to spend as much time as I could with them because we all grow up one day ??

  24. Shawanda Davis
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:25 am · Link

    My sister is due this week with my first nephew. I love him already and cant wait to meet him ???

  25. Sue Sattler
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:32 am · Link

    I have one nephew that I am very proud of. He has grown into a wonderful caring young man, working with Dr’s without borders and several other worthy charities. I don’t have other kids that I think of as nieces and nephew’s, but I have a ton of them that call me mom. http://millytaiden.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  26. Darlene
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:44 am · Link

    I have 4 nieces and 4 nephews, I also have 2 great nieces and 3 great nephews. I have always been close to all of them. They know that they can come to me for anything and I will be there to help them out. They have always been a special part of my life. I tend to spoil them :) thanks for the chance!!

  27. Paula
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:46 am · Link

    I have 12 nieces and nephews. 2 live in my town. All the others are scattered around the pacific. I love all of them and remember each of their birthdays. My family, as a whole, are amazing, and that is only emphasized in our kiddos!

  28. Laney4
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:50 am · Link

    Several nieces and nephews on each side of the family. Love how we’ve instilled in them the value of family, as now they not only make time to get together with us older relatives, but they also make time to be with each other (their cousins).

  29. Tess Quarles
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:50 am · Link

    I have one Nephew! His name is Eli and he’s 2!! He’s the cutest, barest, funniest lil thing ever!!! He looks just like my brother, and I LOVE him SOOOO MUCH!!!

  30. Sheri Secord
      · November 28th, 2015 at 11:55 am · Link

    I have quite a few nieces and nephews. I raised my nephew Chris from the time he was 9. Beets thing that ever happened to me. He is my son as far as I’m concerned.

  31. Colleen C.
      · November 28th, 2015 at 12:41 pm · Link

    I have two nephews and the youngest one always brings a smile to my face! He is a bit of a rascal… :)

  32. Brooke S
      · November 28th, 2015 at 12:52 pm · Link

    Oh boy. I have 3 nieces and 6 nephews. My oldest niece is 2 years younger than me. 2 of my nephews are 5 years younger, and 2 months apart in age. The youngest is 18 months. Each one has a different personality. I love all of them. I am pretty close to the older ones, since I grew seeing them all the time. I don’t get to see the younger ones nearly as much.

    • Milly Taiden
        · November 30th, 2015 at 4:33 pm · Link

      Congratulations Brooke! You won this giveaway! Please check the email address you used for this comment.

  33. Jodi Beaver
      · November 28th, 2015 at 1:00 pm · Link

    I have a niece. She is so enthusiastic about everything she does. She is a blessing!

  34. Mellissa MonteforteJ
      · November 28th, 2015 at 1:00 pm · Link

    Beautiful family you have and thanks for the chance. I have 22 nieces and nephews that I adore with all my heart. I actually just became godmother to my youngest niece last Sunday. I am so proud of my older nieces and nephews that are in college, it’s them who their cousins look up to for guidance and I hope will follow in their footsteps. I became an aunt at 10 but didn’t really understand what the term meant till I was older. I look at my oldest niece and marvel at the woman she has become. I am beyond proud to be their aunt, and they know they can always count on me. It’s what family is for. :)

  35. Florence
      · November 28th, 2015 at 1:11 pm · Link

    I have two nephews that I have been helping raise for the past 13 years… they make waking up every day worth it… I would be lost without them they make me proud everyday. ..

  36. Teracia Loretan
      · November 28th, 2015 at 1:23 pm · Link

    i am blessed with 2 neices and 2 nephews. that are amazing and i can not wait to see who they become.http://millytaiden.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_heart.gifhttp://millytaiden.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_heart.gifhttp://millytaiden.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_heart.gif

  37. Jennifer
      · November 28th, 2015 at 1:23 pm · Link

    I have 4 sons that I love dearly along with 9 nieces and 4 nephews. (Large Italian family). They are all very different from one another yet when we are all together it is a blast. We all always have a great time whether we are at a family function or if we are just all playing video games and hanging out. We all live far from each other now, 3 nieces in Dallas, my 4 boys in Pittsburgh, 3 nephews and 3 nieces in Toronto, and the rest in Vancouver. Getting together is difficult, but we do try to do it at least once a year.

  38. Anne
      · November 28th, 2015 at 2:11 pm · Link

    I have no nieces or nephews. Actually, there are no children in my life.

  39. Kym Miller
      · November 28th, 2015 at 2:14 pm · Link

    I have 5 nieces and 2 nephews. My oldest nephew is a new father, and is serving our country via the Army and is currently deployed in Afghanistan. He is a loving, caring, and loyal man. His dedication to his country and family is just one of the things I admire about my nephew.

    My oldest niece is a freshman at the University of Virginia. She has always been a straight A student, graduating with honors and the respect of her family and entire student body. She volunteers still at food kitchens, homeless shelters, and Humane societies in her area.

    My youngest nephew is a junior in high school, straight A student, star football and lacrosse player. He’s just an all American kid.

    My next oldest niece is a freshman in high school in Virginia, where she lives on our family farm. She’s an experienced equestrian and wants to become a large animal vet. She volunteers at local farms with fostering abused horses.

    My third, fourth, and fifth nieces have seen a lot in their short years of life. At the young ages of 10, 7, and 4 my sister, their mother lost custody of the girls because of her severe drug addiction. My middle sister gained custody of our nieces and they have adjusted perfectly to a normal, happy, loving household. They remember what they suffered at the hands of their mother and harbor no ill will toward their parents but choose not to see them now. They have all of us, including my dad, husband, son, and in-laws to provide that loving stable environment. If I win the kindle I will be giving it to my 10 year old niece who wants to be a writer and is already an avid reader!

    Thank you for the chance!

  40. Sandy Scheer
      · November 28th, 2015 at 2:36 pm · Link

    I have 8 nieces and 3 nephews.
    I also have 8 grand nieces and 7 grand nephews with another due any day now. I also have 1 great nephew. And that does not include the nieces and nephews who married into the family. I love every one of them. When they were young I had one or two stay with me every summer, so they were more like my kids than.

  41. Linda
      · November 28th, 2015 at 3:07 pm · Link

    My hunny´s niece is so adorable =)
    I´m so thankful for all of my family <3
    Happy Saturday!

  42. bn100
      · November 28th, 2015 at 4:02 pm · Link

    don’t have any

  43. Suzanne
      · November 28th, 2015 at 4:32 pm · Link

    I am an “Auntie” to 3 boys…I have been in my BestFriend’s boys’ lives since they were born, in fact I witnessed each of their births! The oldest is my godson and was baptized on my birthday, Easter Sunday. He is so smart he tends to try the patience of the adults around him when he gets bored. Oh, the Mischief! Her middle son was born a few weeks before halloween. He is even smarter and so gentle and giving. Her youngest was born a few weeks after halloween. So artistic! Looking through his eyes is a precious gift! When they are in accord and not fighting, Watch Out! We wouldn’t trade these three imps for all the gold in the world!

  44. Ophelia R
      · November 28th, 2015 at 5:53 pm · Link

    I am the awesomely blessed aunt of three nieces and four nephews. These amazing lights of loves have come from friends who saw fit to entrust their lovely offspring to me, they allow me to speak over their lives, encourage them, spend time with them, love on them, etc. I am so proud of the little individuals they have become and are evolving into. I pray God’s continued guidance and blessing over their lives. My oldest, Dominique, is a college junior, straight A student all her life, full of compassion. TarDarious, my oldest nephew, he loves deep, loyal, graduates high school this year and wants to go to the military. He is active at church. Lady Dai, is 16, wants to be s singer. She’s a poet at heart. She’s very observant. Cole is love. He is one of the people that you just feel blessed to know. He is smart, funny, helpful, shy. Kennedy is a hoot! Her favorite word right now is nope! She has a sneaky smile and she cracks herself up up! The twins, E & E, are the most happiest babies evers! One is silly like his mommy and one is more is serious like daddy or tries to be, but still busts into laughter. If God doesn’t see fit to give me my own, I truly am already blessed with this bunch that He’s given me!

  45. Kathleen CafeWorld Banks
      · November 28th, 2015 at 6:05 pm · Link

    As the oldest of five kids, I have a lot of nieces & nephews & they are all the same (blood & by marriage!). And just like my own 5 kids, they all have their own personalities and endearing qualities. They have all grown up (more or less) together, so we have all been doubly blessed to be close=knit. Family is the primary blessing in this family! http://millytaiden.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  46. Bambi fogleman
      · November 28th, 2015 at 6:51 pm · Link

    Yes i have helped raise so many of my nieces and nephews that they are just like my own they all have a piece of my heart and love forever…

  47. Darnell Hart
      · November 28th, 2015 at 6:59 pm · Link

    I may not be the coolest Auntie, but I have the coolest neice and nephews. From my cheerleader self assured future doctor Neice Mekai. To my take no stuff self assured neice Chelsea. To swimmer Camille and track star Brooke. To the piano playing Darren. Lastly, my game loving Thomas. They bring me great joy.

  48. Amanda
      · November 28th, 2015 at 7:24 pm · Link

    I have two nephews and one niece who take up so much space in my heart. My niece, Miki, is a 17 year old girl already planning her future and I am so proud of her high standards for herself in how she lives. Miki is strong in her heart and focuses on living for her future while still showing her heart to all who need it. My nephews are 12 and 13 both have such great hearts and will do anything for those who need it. Bug, the 13 year old is so loving and such a well rounded young man who adores his family and makes sure their care comes before his playing. Butter, the 12 year old, is one who will stand up for those in need and always has (including fighting someone making fun of a young man who had down syndrome when in 1st grade). I pray these three continue with their academics as well as they have been and yet that their hearts continue to grow in bounds.

  49. Jeannette Weber
      · November 28th, 2015 at 7:38 pm · Link

    I have a nephew from my sister who I love so much. He was sunshine in our rainy days after my mom passed. He’s in NYC so I barely see him only when I FaceTime him. He’s the apple of my eye and he’s finally turning 1 December 19!!!!

  50. Sabrina Joy
      · November 28th, 2015 at 8:06 pm · Link

    Yes, I have several nieces and nephews! And what I love about them is how they’re so sweet! It’s so nice to see them because they’re just a ton of fun when they tell me what’s going on in their lives. :) I just love that they’re as close to me enough that they want to see me.

  51. DebraG
      · November 28th, 2015 at 8:58 pm · Link

    My daughter’s partner has a daughter. She is our honorary granddaughter. We are really enjoying her.

  52. Heather S
      · November 28th, 2015 at 10:22 pm · Link

    I have 1 blood niece and 2 cousins that I call my nieces and my god-brother has 2 boys and 1 girl that I also consider my niece and nephews. They range from 5months old to 8 years old and they all think I’m awesome and love me like crazy. I love the way the run to me when they see me and the hugs and kisses I get from them whenever I see them ALWAYS makes my day. Whenever I’m depressed or in need of something to make me feel better the girls will come up to me and either hug or kiss me and pat my back or cheek and tell me “it’s alright Auntie Heather I love you” and I always laugh because they never need to be prompted to do that they just want to make you feel better and to show that they love you unconditionally. I thank God for them at least once a day because I would be lost without them in my life.

  53. Joanne B
      · November 28th, 2015 at 10:27 pm · Link

    I have a niece and two nephews. They say they’re the kids I didn’t give birth to. They make me smile and laugh .

  54. Christina Gonzalez
      · November 28th, 2015 at 10:46 pm · Link

    I have three active nephews and one niece. They are a blessing.

  55. Amber
      · November 29th, 2015 at 12:06 am · Link

    I have a niece and two nephews. I love them all to pieces even though I never get to see the older two anymore. I was always really close with all of them.

  56. Samantha Woods
      · November 29th, 2015 at 12:14 am · Link

    I have my husbands step sisters kids and I love them all to pieces. They each have their own quirks. I love that they are all so great with my girls and welcomed them into the family with no issues.

  57. Cheryl McKnight
      · November 29th, 2015 at 10:17 am · Link

    I have been blessed with hubby’s and mine we have 21 . I adore each one of them . I was blessed to have 2 rug rats of my own whom are grown and married now . To me family is EVERYTHING !

  58. Tanja Dancy
      · November 29th, 2015 at 7:55 pm · Link

    I don’t have any nieces or nephews. I have one brother and neither one of us have any children.

  59. Bube
      · November 29th, 2015 at 10:02 pm · Link

    I have 3 nephews,they are my hearts :)

  60. Martina L A
      · November 29th, 2015 at 10:51 pm · Link

    I have 1 nephew and have yet had the opportunity to meet him, but he is a handsome little boy. My best friend is about to have twins and I can’t wait to spoil them the way their momma spoils my son.

  61. Thelma Silva
      · November 30th, 2015 at 4:58 am · Link

    I have a total of 25 nieces/nephews 18 great nieces/nephews and 7 great great nieces/nephews
    my greatest memories are growing up with 3 nieces and 2 nephews that were born in the same year as me. I was the auntie and playmate to them.

  62. Aly P
      · November 30th, 2015 at 11:39 am · Link

    I don’t have them :) I have lots of very young cousins though :) They are cute

  63. Ann I
      · November 30th, 2015 at 1:35 pm · Link

    I have no children of my own so I consider my niece and nephew to be community property….we all share them. lol! They are both great kids, They do well in school and are active in sports. They are both very loving and giving. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.


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