Sexy State of Mind!
As I was growing up, my weight fluctuated so much my parents never knew what size to buy me. When I hit nineteen I was in the slimmer phase. I ended up feeling really sexy. I met my husband and got ‘comfortable’. What that means is I gained weight. A LOT. I’ve heard that the happier a person is in a relationship, the easier it is to let themselves go…boy was that true for me.
Thankfully, my husband has always been very clear about loving me no matter what I weigh or what size I am. God bless that man! I gained weight, and felt not so sexy any more. It took years for me to realize that I was still the same person with or without the extra weight. I could be sexy and that’s when the light bulb moment happened. Why was I letting myself become insecure over some extra pounds? Sexiness does not happen because of your weight, body shape or size. It is something inside you that says: HEY! I’m HOT! Yeah, that’s right.
I see women in the street all the time that exude this confidence and this sex appeal. Big women, small women, short, tall, you name it I’ve seen it. So why not me? There was nothing holding me back. A few years back I wa
s back at the lost weight part of my life. Then it slowly crept back, as it always did. But this time, I didn’t let it change my attitude. I still did my hair, nails and made myself pretty. Because I felt pretty. I felt sexy and I wanted to look it. Sometimes we need to remember that under the extra weight, or whatever other physical attribute you have that makes you uncomfortable, you’re still the same person you were without it.
So I’m in the in between stage right now. Not so slim, not so big. But it no longer matters. I don’t need to be small to feel pretty, to feel sexy and to become the ultimate seductress in bed. I’ve grown through the years I’ve been married. He’s helped me see that I don’t need to be shy because I’ve gained weight or to push him away because I felt fat. Sexy is all about perception. It’s all a state of mind. What you believe is what people see.
Be confident. Let the sexy siren in you out. Having a partner that loves you no matter what makes it that much easier. But if you don’t have that then be the one there to love yourself no matter what.