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Milly Taiden
Giving Thanks for My Niece and Nephew ***WINNER ANNOUNCED***

WINNER IS BROOKE S – I have emailed you!


Today is our last day in a week of being thankful and showing gratitude. It is also our LAST giveaway day for the week.

I am thankful for my niece and nephew. And I want to give you A FINAL chance at a Kindle Fire!!!

These kids came into my life and took over. They are my other kids. I consider them my babies too. They have brought so much love, laughter and joy into my heart I couldn’t explain how much I have changed because of them. They taught me to open up and to fall in love with children.

Thank you for being such great kids and making me want to have my own.



Thank you for being so sweet, loving and caring of your family and friends.



Any mother, aunt and grandmother is lucky to have kids as wonderful as you in their lives.


I am blessed every day to have you both in my life. I love you.

Today’s giveaway:

A Kindle Fire!!!


To enter:

Tell me if you have nieces/nephews/step-nieces or nephews/adoptive nieces or nephews or just kids you call your nieces or nephews and what you love about them.

All winners will be announced Sunday November, 29th so stay tuned and keep entering.

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Giving Thanks for My Mom ***WINNER ANNOUNCED***

CONGRATS Bambi. I have messaged you!


Today I want to show appreciation for the woman who brought me into this world, my mom. And give you ANOTHER chance at a Kindle Fire!!!

My mom is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. She loves her family and will do anything to help them out.

She has always tried her best to be a good mother. To show support. And even when she had no idea what she was doing (she didn’t always speak English) she still knew she’d do anything for me and my sister. So thank you mom for all the years you sacrificed for us and for always being there when we need it.



So thank you mom, for being the provider for our family when it was necessary and for doing everything in your power to make sure me and my sister had the support we needed.

Today’s giveaway:

A Kindle Fire!!!


To enter:

Tell me what traits you love about your mom/grandmom/stepmom/or if none of those apply your dad.

All winners will be announced Sunday November, 29th so stay tuned and keep entering.

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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! ***WINNER ANNOUNCED***

CONGRATS: Karen Roberts! I have emailed you!


Today’s a very special giveaway because I want to give you all the chance to win a KINDLE FIRE!

And I’ll be celebrating by being thankful for my husband and my son. They make my life crazy but fill it with love and laughter and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love these two. I’ve been married for 15 (LONG) years LOL. Through the ups and downs, sickness and health we have learned to be tighter and closer. And while I joke (we joke a lot in this house) our 15 years have been filled with joy, love, happiness, humor, bad puns, scary moments, tears, pain and hope. It always comes back to being each other’s rock.

I wouldn’t be who I am today without the support of my husband and his taking such a big part in ensuring I have time to write. So today I want to say thank you to him for being a driving force in my life and helping me so much when I need it. From running me a bath when I am in pain, to making sure I wake up to breakfast, he is priceless. Thank you, Mr. T for being an awesome husband and an amazing father!


15 years of laughter


15 years of silliness

I want to also give thanks for the little boy who took over my heart when he was born. I have no words other than to say: I love you more than my own life. More than every breath I take. And if I only had one breath left, I’d use it to tell you how much I love you.


The boy child who takes me to the limits of my patience but then makes me smile at the end.


The boy who knows how to hug me
because mother needs some baby love.


These two men have given my life new purpose
and I am so thankful for them.

Whether you are married or not, have children or not, I hope you have someone (furbabies count too) that makes your life worth living.

Today’s giveaway:

A Kindle Fire!!!


To enter:

Tell me what you think is most important in a relationship for it to last.

All winners will be announced Sunday November, 29th so stay tuned and keep entering.

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Giving Thanks for My Sister ***WINNER ANNOUNCED***

CONGRATS: Michelle Ferrari-Johnson


My sister and I were raised to be really close. It’s been hard to be so far from her after living so close together most of our lives and in some cases living together. I miss her every day and I love her tons. But it’s only a matter of time before we are together again. My sister has been through everything with me and when i think of someone who’s known me all my life aside from my mom, she’s it. I want to give thanks for my sister. She’s been a great friend, an amazing mother and wonderful aunt. We love to shop together, go out to eat and do fun stuff with and without the kids lol. I miss her dearly and I hope she knows how much I care for her.


A great friend


A great sister


A great mom


A great aunt

I am hopeful your family brings you joy too.

Today’s giveaway:

A surprise box filled with signed prints, swag and other goodies.


To enter:

Tell me if you have siblings, how many and how do you get along with them.

All winners will be announced Sunday November, 29th so stay tuned and keep entering.

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Giving Thanks for Family ***WINNER ANNOUNCED***

CONGRATS: Athena! I’ve emailed you!


Today we will focus on family. My family is my life. We are very close and love to spend time together. We especially love doing outings and now that I moved I miss them a lot. I am looking forward to seeing them next month so we can do some fun things again. My family is by no means perfect, but they are a great group of people who I love.


We all like having fun and doing things together.


Sometimes we don’t see each other for long periods of time but when we do, it’s like we haven’t been apart.

From close family to extended family to in-laws, I am thankful for them all.


And when we can, we always look for a reason to celebrate.


I am hopeful your family brings you joy too.

Today’s giveaway:

A PDA Blanket


To enter:

Tell me something fun you like to do with family.

All winners will be announced Sunday November, 29th so stay tuned and keep entering.

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