WINNER IS BROOKE S – I have emailed you!
Today is our last day in a week of being thankful and showing gratitude. It is also our LAST giveaway day for the week.
I am thankful for my niece and nephew. And I want to give you A FINAL chance at a Kindle Fire!!!
These kids came into my life and took over. They are my other kids. I consider them my babies too. They have brought so much love, laughter and joy into my heart I couldn’t explain how much I have changed because of them. They taught me to open up and to fall in love with children.
Thank you for being such great kids and making me want to have my own.
Thank you for being so sweet, loving and caring of your family and friends.
Any mother, aunt and grandmother is lucky to have kids as wonderful as you in their lives.
I am blessed every day to have you both in my life. I love you.
Today’s giveaway:
A Kindle Fire!!!
To enter:
Tell me if you have nieces/nephews/step-nieces or nephews/adoptive nieces or nephews or just kids you call your nieces or nephews and what you love about them.
All winners will be announced Sunday November, 29th so stay tuned and keep entering.