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Milly Taiden
Magic Touch Giveaway Hop ***WINNERS***



Melissa Robles #1

Heather Coulter #2

Shadow Kohler #3

Please email me at millytaidenauthor@gmail.com for your prizes!

Hello you awesome readers!

Welcome to my stop on the magic touch giveaway hop and swag bonanza!!! Yay!!! (I know I’m an exclamation point lover LOL)

I have awesome goodies for you today!

Ah. The magic touch. Those sexy men that can touch you with their words, their eyes and their personalities. That’s the magic touch I want to focus on today. I love a sexy man that can drive me absolutely crazy with just the timbre of his voice. That is more than just magic.

Example is this bit from my current release, Wolf Protector (a paranormal erotic romance)

Erica peeked at Buchanan’s smiling profile from behind her sunglasses. All dressed in black, he looked like a super hot Navy Seal. The T-shirt did nothing to cover the bulging muscles that rippled whenever he gripped the wheel. His short, spiky hair and five o’clock shadow made him look oh-so fine. And the reflective sunglasses added to his sexy, bad-boy allure. Goddamn it, she needed to get laid! Pronto, or she’d start seeing Buchanan as more than a Casanova and more like a possible candidate to end her sexual hiatus.

I love it! sigh. Here’s another bit that makes me smile.

Erica sighed into the kiss and allowed her lips to soften under Trent’s slow invasion. Sparks bubbled in her blood and fired her veins with each swipe of his tongue. He drew slow circles over her lips before moving into her mouth. Tingles coursed through her body, going straight to her core. Their tongues caressed each other in a sensual ritual that left her breathless and panting.

His hands moved under her top, tracing the curve of her waist and crawling up her sides. Urgency for him, the only man she’d been wanting for years, made her pull at his T-shirt. Her hands gripped the cotton material and lifted. He must’ve gotten the hint, because his hands left her body and he stripped off the shirt. And good lord was she happy to see him without the offensive cloth. She knew he was hot, like really fucking hot, but seeing all those muscles up close and personal made her want to purr.

Wolf Protector

MT_Wolf Protector1

A woman with a secret…
The Federal Paranormal Unit is an elite squad of supernaturals dedicated to solving missing persons cases. Erica’s gift allows her a special connection with the crime, but it comes at a deep personal cost… Until now, she’s kept her gift a secret, even from the other members of the team. But this case will throw her together with Agent Trent Buchanan. He’s the object of her secret desires, but he’s also a cocky womanizer. She’d rather swim in shark-infested waters with a paper cut than admit she has feelings for him.

A man with one desire…
Wolf Shifter Trent wants Erica more than he’s ever wanted any woman. He’s spent years patiently waiting for her to admit that she wants him too. Working one-on-one in a race to find a serial killer, Trent’s patience and Erica’s resolve wear thin. When Trent discovers the truth about Erica, will he accept her for who she is? And can he protect her from the horrors that her gift brings?

A case that pushes them to the edge…
Erica will have to risk it all if she wants to stop the killer, and when she does, Trent may have to put his own life on the line to make sure his mate is protected…







Now that you’ve gotten a taste of my sexiness that is wolf Protector. Let’s talk giveaway!

You’re here for sexiness and swag. So I am giving away 2 very pretty swag items..

3 Winners will get…

Winner #1

A  handmade Swagmaster bookmark of Wolf Protector


Winner #2

A Cassie Creations Keychain of Wolf Protector


Winner #3


a Rafflecopter giveaway


This Hop is hosted by author Kallysten and book blog Riverina Romantics. In
addition to individual prizes provided on each blog, we are offering
assorted swag to the first 100 participants who simply tell us they want
some! See all details and sign up here.

Keep hopping and visit the next stop on the hop!

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Caged Heat Release Party ***WINNERS***



Want to know who won the games at the release party? Winners listed below in order of game played and prize to be awarded!

DID YOU WIN? AWESOME!!! GO BACK TO THE PARTY AND PM Master Pimp Iris with your address or email address if it applies

YOU HAVE 48 HRs or your prize is FORFEITED and a new winner will be selected.



Host Prize


 Caption Kitty  Milly Taiden  Stone Soup keychain  Jeannie Shahid Christo
 Fill in the Blanks  Milly Taiden  Stone Soup Necklace  Nicole Kuhn
 Caption Cowboy  Jennifer Wedmore  Cassie Keychain  Crystal Newman
 Fill in the Blanks  Jennifer Wedmore  Mohawk Moon by Nicole Kuhn  Kelly Erickson
 Create a story  Jennifer Wedmore  Flowerpot Christmas tree by Brooklyn Wilde  Amanda AJ Jones
 Fill in the Blanks  Sheri Spell  Demon’s Captive by Selena Illyria  Karey Smith
 Caption Puppy  Sheri Spell  A Second Chance at Forever by JM Stewart  Jennifer Wedmore
 Word for Sexy  Sheri Spell  CH Tote  Helena Ferrell
 Fill in the Blanks  Bad Barb  CH Tote  Jeannie Shahid Christo
 Fake or Real  Bad Barb  Cassie Keychain  Karen Palmer Arrowood
 Unscramble the Title  Bad Barb  By Surprise by Alyssa Turner  Kandi Steger
 Extras  at unscramble  Bad Barb  Cassie keychain  consolation: Karen and Fran
 Caption This  Iris Pross  Mr. Buff by April Angel  Whitney Baer
 Wordgo  Iris Pross  CH Swag Pack  Karen Palmer Arrowood
 Find Picture Difference  Iris Pross  Caged Heat Mousepad  Helena Ferrell
 Fill in the blank  Bad Barb  Teach  Me To forget by Mona Karel  Zee Hayat
 Sexy man cooking photo  Bad Barb  CH Swag Pack  Nicole Kuhn
 Fill in the blank  Bad Barb  SC Tote  Kerry Erickson
 Caption Adult Toy  Jennifer Wedmore  Nerd Accessories CH set w bookmark  Amanda AJ Jones
 Caption Doggie  Milly Taiden   Trust and Betrayal by Dani-Lyn Alexander  Amy Taylor
 Wordgo  Iris Pross  Swagmaster Bookmark  Tina Connors Myers
 Caption funny guy  Iris Pross  Nerd Accessories keychains  Kerry Erickson
 Fill in the blanks  Milly Taiden  charm bracelet  Iris Pross
 Caption Sexy Guitar man Iris Pross  wine charms  Nicki Bland
 Milly Trivia  Milly Taiden   Sharp Change or other Milly backlist  Melissa Limoges
 Caption Fairy  Iris Pross  Milly Keychain  Michelle Lewis
 Caption Vodka man  Iris Pross  CH Tote  Barb Hicks
 Wordgo  iris pross  ch swagpack  Crystal Newman
 Caption man w flower  iris pross  Ch swagmaster bookmark   Lindsay Avalon
 Caption man w shoe  iris pross  Stone Soup bookmark  Jeannie Shahid Christo 3rd and final win
 Wordgo  Lindsay Avalon   Fate’s Wish by Milly Taiden  Kerry Erickson 3rd and final win
 Wolf caption  Lindsay avalon  CH mousepad  Kelly Erickson
 Caption Pink  Lindsay Avalon  Nerd accessories keychain   Nicole Kuhn 3rd and final win
 Caption game   Sheri spell  Stranded Temptation by April Angel  Kelly Erickson 3rd and final win
Other word for sultry  Sheri Spell  Cassie keychain  Karey Smith
 Fill in the blanks  Sheri Spell  SC tote  Karey Smith 3rd and final win
 Find the perfect Ry  Brooklyn Wilde  Swagmaster Bookmark  Whitney Baer
 Ask Ry to cook for you  Brooklyn Wilde  Gone by Barb Han  Ikelia Francis
Best Wolf Tattoo  Brooklyn Wilde  Cassie Keychain  Tina Connors Myers
 Caption Puppies  Crystal Newman  CH Swag Pack  Tina Connors Myers 3rd and final win
 Caption Bike Ryan  Crystal Newman  CH Mousepad  Sheri Spell
 Fill in the Blanks  Crystal Newman  CH Tote  Sheri Spell
 Tell a story bonus final game  Milly Taiden  CD and book by Tiffany Carmouche (Imposter)  Whitney Baer
 Honorable Mentions
 1  $5 Amazon.com GC  Theresa Esterline
 2  $5 Amazon.com GC  Sheri Spell
 3  $5 Amazon.com GC  Len Phelps
 4  $5 Amazon.com GC  Teracia Loretan
 5  $5 Amazon.com GC  Karen Roman
 1st Grand Prize  Tote
Swag Pack
Stone Soup Keychain
Stone Soup Necklace
Charm/Bead bracelet
Nerd Accessories – Bookmark set
Wine charm set
$15 Amazon GC
Signed copy of surprised by seduction anthology
Ebook set 5 (you can tell yourself what those are)
 Iris Pross
 2nd Grand Prize  Swag pack
Stone Soup Bookmark
Nerd Accessories Keychain
Charm/Bead bracelet
Sharp Change Mousepad
$15 Amazon GC
Ebook set 3 (Iris will let you know what those are)
signed copy of Surprised by Seduction
 Crystal Newman
 3rd Prize  $15 Amazon.com GC
Bead Bracelet
Stone Soup Designs Keychain
Swagmasters Designs Bookmark
 Tiffany Krepps



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Swagtastic REVIEW Giveaway!!! ***WINNERS***

Hello there you absolutely awesome friends!






I’m having a brand new giveaway starting today through Monday 4/15

DID YOU READ Wolf Protector?


Did you LOVE it?

Did you write a review?

Then this is the giveaway for YOU!

Send me a link to mtgiveaways@gmail.com and you will be entered to win one of these 3 AWESOME prizes…


Awesome Prize #1 – (US/CA only)


Prize Pack 1

A Wolf Protector LARGE Tote and a handmade specialty bookmark


Awesome Prize #2 (Int’l)


Prize Pack 2

A Wolf Protector bead bracelet, a key chain and a mouse pad


Awesome Prize #3 (Int’l)

Prize Pack 3

Wolf protector swag pack and specialty handmade bookmark


So now that I have your attention with my awesome swag…you want to know how to win it, right?

It’s really easy!!!

If you READ and LOVED Wolf Protector and wrote a review.

Send me a copy of your review link to: mtgiveaways@gmail.com

It could be from any of the following:

  • Good Reads
  • Amazon.com
  • Barnes and Nobles
  • Kobo

And if you send me more than one link you get extra entries for each one.

So what are you waiting for? Send me a those links for a chance to win win win!



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Wolf Protector Release Party **WINNERS**



Want to know who won the games at the release party? Winners listed below in order of game played and prize to be awarded!

DID YOU WIN? AWESOME!!! GO BACK TO THE PARTY AND PM Master Pimp Iris with your address or email address if it applies

YOU HAVE 48 HRs or your prize is FORFEITED and a new winner will be selected.


Game Host Prize WINNER!
 Trivia  Milly Taiden  Stone Soup bookmark  Helena Ferrell
 Caption Dog  Milly Taiden  Stone Soup Keychain  Amanda Jones
 Ramirez Photo  Crystal Newman  Swag Pack  Dawn Froggy Saenz
 Bookgo  Crystal Newman Flowerpot christmas tree by B. Wilde  Kandi Steger
 Erica Trivia  Crystal Newman  Milly Keychain  Tami Peterson
 Caption Jenn Sheri Pic  Jennifer Wedmore  WP Tote  Nicole Kuhn
 Fill in the blank  Jennifer Wedmore  To Hiss or Kiss by Katya Armonk  Karen Guest
 Continue Story  Jennifer Wedmore  WP Mousepad  Sue Ellen Robertson
 Fill in the blank  Jennifer Wedmore  Her Knight in Black Leather by JM Stewart  Jeannie Baker-Platt
 Caption This – Egg  Jennifer Wedmore  Dangerous Places by Dani-Lyn Alexander  Barb Hicks
 Create a story  Jennifer Wedmore  Sassy Keychain  Kerry Erickson
New word for Hot  Sheri Spell  Nerd Accessories Keychain set  Holly Collins
 Find Best Jane  Sheri Spell Malice Striker by Jianne Carlo  Gaele Hi
 Caption Helmet Pic  Sheri Spell  WP Tote  Jennifer Wedmore
 Caption Wood  Iris Pross  Keychain and Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt  Tina Connors Myers
 Bookgo  Iris Pross  Stone Soup Design Pendant  CuAnam Wolfspirit
 Caption Kangaroo  Iris Pross  Milly Keychain  Rene Nightingale
 Caption Baby  Iris Pross  Charm Bracelet  Nicole Kuhn
 Caption couple  Jennifer Wedmore  Swag pack  Dawn Doyle
 Caption man  Jennifer Wedmore  Key chain by Cassie  Teracia Loretan
 Book Captions  Jennifer Wedmore  Signed copy of Lord’s Fall by Thea HarrisonHalloween Heat 3 signed by Milly  Crystal Newman
 Gifted Books for shares  Jennifer Wedmore  One of Milly’s books each… their choice  Tina Connors MyersTeracia Loretan
 Ask Trent  Brooklyn Wilde  Blood, She Read by Sara Hubbard  Jeannie Shahid
 Erica’s Playlist  Brooklyn Wilde  Key chain by Cassie  Christy Hilton-Hall
 Food Porn – Milkshake  Brooklyn Wilde  By Surprise by Alyssa Turner  Sheri Spell
 Other word for Supernatural  Sheri Spell  Highlander’s Prize by Mary Wine  LaGina Keisha Hagerman Reese
 Caption Man  Sheri Spell Stone Soup Key Chain  Iris Pross
 Caption Egg Man  Sheri Spell  Swagmaster Bookmark  Iris Pross
 Mate names  Barbie Hicks  Swag Pack  Jeannie Shahid Christo
 Milly Trivia  Barbie Hicks  Mohawk Moon by Nicole Kuhn  Crystal Newman
 Book MCs by AA  Barbie Hicks  WP Tote  Kristina Haecker
 Fill in Blank  Sheri Spell  Demon’s Captive by Selena Illyria  Merisha Abbott
 MC Professions  Sheri Spell  Swag Pack  Melissa Limoges
 Continue Story Sheri Spell  Wine Charms  Donna Dearing
 Caption Bunny  Jennifer Wedmore  Print copy of Stephanie Laurens Devil’s Bride  Jill Prandstatter
 Love Scene  Jennifer Wedmore  WP Mouse Pad  Mina Carter
 Continue the story  Jennifer Wedmore  Milly Key chain  Sheri Spell
Shifter Combinations  Brooklyn Wilde  Cassie Key Chain  Kelly Erickson
 Trent’s Drink  Brooklyn Wilde  Snow Balls by Tara Lain  Michelle Wilson
 Jane’s Ability  Brooklyn Wilde  WP Tote  Iris Pross
Most shares for 2 hrs  Sheri Spell  Milly ebook – 1 each winner  Karen RomaMerisha Abbott
 Create a story  Sheri Spell  Cassie Key Chain  Tiffany Krepps
 Create a story words  Sheri Spell  Swag Pack  Jennifer Wedmore
 Create a story 3  Sheri Spell  Mouse Pad Crystal Rister

caption family photo        Jennifer Wedmore       Milly Key chain           Jeannie Baker Platt

Caption back boobs          Iris Pross      Cassie Key Chain      Kelly Erickson

caption little man bike    Iris Pross      Cassie Key Chain     Jodi Murphy


1st place

Len Phelps

Swag Pack
Stone Soup Key chain
Stone Soup Necklace
Charm/Bead bracelet
Nerd Accessories –
Bookmark set
$15 Amazon GC
Set of 5 ebooks (Iris will tell you what they are)

2nd Place

Teracia Loretan

You win…
A swag pack
Stone Soup Bookmark1
Milly Key Chain
Charm/Bead bracelet
$10 Amazon GC
Set of 3 eBooks ( Iris will let you know what those are)

3rd Place

Tiffany Krepps

$10 Amazon.com GC
Bead Bracelet
Swagmasters Bookmark

Honorable mentions

$5 Amazon GC Winners

Karen Roma

Merisha Abbott

Tina Connors Myers

Helena Ferrell

Holly Collins

$10 Amazon.com GC

Iris Pross

Jennifer Wedmore

$10 Starbucks GC

Carrie Fort


Order Receipt Winner

Elizabeth Lang – Coach combo

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Guest Blog – Kameron and Dirk


I have a super awesome treat for you my awesome readers! Dirk and Kameron are visiting today and you best get something cold for this visit! They are the power couple writing smexy stories together. Oh, want proof? Scroll down and check it out!



Bio: Kameron and Dirk, a passionate couple in and out of the bedroom, has decided to join forces and bring their erotic imagination to life with words. Their solo stories are electric; however, the works they create together will practically sizzle off the page. Yes, they might live in a quiet suburb neighborhood, but they’re 


anything but tame and unadventurous. A fact you shall read and learn about soon enough. 






Kam and Dirk collaboration – “Sinfully Delicious” (M/F)


Book Summary:

Christine’s been without a man for far too long, so she lets her BFF Jasmine talk her into speed-dating. Unfortunately, far too many of her dates are romantic non-starters — in the worst way. But all it takes is one… and when the right man comes along, he’s Sinfully Delicious.


(Purchase link)




Wednesday Evening

It’d been two years, six months, and fourteen days since Christine had felt the loving touch of anyone but herself — not that she was keeping track. Which was the reason she’d allowed her best gal-pal, Jasmine, to talk her into heading out tonight and giving the speed-dating scene a try… again.

“Woo hoo, Christine. Come in. Are you with me?”

Christine studied her completed look in the glass door of the Midnight Rendezvous. She held the phone tucked between her ear and shoulder while she kept tugging at the hem of her dress, which barely covered her ass cheeks. “Jasmine, I can’t believe you talked me into this get-up. I’m literally popping out all over.”

“Babe, you look hot, so quit the bitching and stop tugging on it.”

Christine’s hands stalled and dropped to her sides. “How’d you know what I was doing? Are you lurking nearby?”

Jasmine’s voice rose an octave. “Hello, best friend here. I know you, and I know you’re freaking the hell out. Do me a favor and relax, because any man would be lucky to have you. Now, hang up and get your sexy ass inside.”

Christine gave herself a final once-over and took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “Thanks, Jasmine. You always know how to calm me down. Love you.”

“I love you too. Now go.”

Christine nervously inched her way over to the sign-up table, paid the twenty-dollar fee, picked up a nametag, and found an unoccupied chair. As the announcer went over all the rules of the event, she eyed the prospects and found several who looked attractive. Hope began to blossom. It seemed simple enough. Every two minutes a new man would sit down across from her and engage in a brief conversation. If she believed a connection was made, she would place his name on a card. The men would do the same, and if there was a match between cards, both parties would be notified through an email. “I can do this,” she mumbled.

The announcer rang the bell.

The first eligible bachelor, Bradley, sat down, and it was two minutes of pure awkwardness. His hands shook uncontrollably, and he wouldn’t stop apologizing. He refused to make eye contact and finally excused himself to the restroom, leaving her alone.

Christine couldn’t believe how badly the night was starting off. She tried to embrace Jasmine’s glass half full attitude and hope the next guy would at least remain seated for the entire two minutes.

Ding. A very handsome man with perfect features slid into the chair across from Christine. She noticed right off the bat he had no wrinkle lines, crow’s feet, laugh lines — nada. She found that odd until he spoke. Then it all became clear. Unlike Bradley, he didn’t say “Hi” or offer any other pleasantries. His gaze traveled from her face down to her chest, head tilting left to right, and then he spoke. “You have a beautiful face and body, from what I can see, for a woman of your age, but if you ever decide to fix your trouble spots, I’d be happy to give you a discount.”

Christine couldn’t believe her luck. She already doubted her looks, and now this man she didn’t know was judging her appearance? Great, just freaking great. If she were Jasmine, she would’ve been spewing words that would make a sailor blush; however, Christine hated public confrontations. Instead she put on a fake smile. “Don’t bother writing my name down.” Their remaining time couldn’t possibly end quickly enough for her liking.

Ding. “Thank God that’s over.” One look at the surgeon, and she realized she’d spoken aloud. She opened her mouth to apologize, but before she could get the chance, he turned and walked away.

Prospective dates three through twelve were nice enough, but she knew they’d be no more than friends, and not the kind with naughty benefits. Her shoulders slumped in depression and she wondered why she’d let Jasmine talk her into this. A dozen men had come and gone but none lit a fire in her belly. Eyes downcast, she waited to hear the sound of a chair scraping the floor.

Instead, she felt cool glass press against her palm and a warm breath against her ear. “I didn’t know what you normally drink, but I sensed you needed something strong.”

Christine looked up into the most gorgeous eyes she’d ever seen. They were almost hypnotic, and his voice was equally distracting, drawing her in. She was clueless about how long she stared at him like a lovesick puppy, but it was long enough that another bachelor took his position for the two-minute meet and greet. Spell broken, she addressed dreamy eyes first because she had to know his name. “Umm, yes, thank you, Mr…”

“You may call me Sin.” Then he stood upright and kept all his attention on her but clearly directed his words to the gentleman across the table. “If you were a smart man, you’d start the conversation by telling her how gorgeous she looks tonight. Let her know no other woman has ever looked lovelier in your eyes. That from the moment you saw her, you wanted nothing more than to feel her lips against yours, to touch her and be touched by her.”

Christine grew more aroused with each word Sin uttered. She’d come out tonight looking for a spark, and damn if she hadn’t found a five-alarm fire. Did Sin realize the effect his words were having on her?

He winked, and her silent question was answered. Damn him, he knew exactly what he was doing to her. The other bachelor cleared his throat. “Yeah, thanks for the advice, but I don’t need it. I’ve got this.”

Sin’s face tensed up. “Not yet, you don’t.”



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