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Milly Taiden

Family traditions (31 Days of Christmas)

31dayslogoThe holidays are about so many things–the major themes being giving back, spending time with family and usually a religious celebration (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, etc).  My family is really big on just being together–spending quality time with one another.  This is also one of my favorite things about the holidays as I love just being with my family.  My husband and I take our son down to see the tree at Rockefeller Center, walk around and see the sights, etc. Rock_Tree

I also love hearing about what traditions others have this time of year.  What are some traditions in your family?  Comment below for a chance to #win a swag pack.  Don’t forget to enter for the grand prize–a Kindle Voyager (or $199 gift card) AND to stop over at Mina Carter’s blog to see her holiday fun! swag

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10 comments to “Family traditions (31 Days of Christmas)”

  1. Sarah Gardinor
      · December 21st, 2014 at 9:33 am · Link

    My mom started a tradition for us years ago by giving us ornaments. So now, we exchange ornaments on Christmas Eve. Each ornament represents something each person was into or did in the past year. Our little family always has Christmas morning at home. The kids open presents and my husband makes breakfast. We started a new tradition last year with ordering Chinese rather than make a big dinner. It made the day so much more enjoyable.

  2. Tina M
      · December 21st, 2014 at 11:38 am · Link

    We do the ornament every year too. We also make sure we all get together and bake cookies together.

  3. miki
      · December 21st, 2014 at 3:34 pm · Link

    we spend christmas eve together ( family) with a special meal but before that when we decorate our tree we hand ornament that comes from people not here anymore ( grandmothers etc) and we exchange memories of them in a way to keep them with us still

  4. Jessica Hale(Parsons) (@blaisezillah)
      · December 21st, 2014 at 6:26 pm · Link

    the week before christmas we go see christmas lights and christmas eve we spend at home and get to open 1 gift before christmas day

  5. Debbie
      · December 21st, 2014 at 9:11 pm · Link

    My kids and family love a tradition several of us on my road started after 9-11. We live just north of NYC and many of our neighbors are either FDNY or NYPD, including my husband (he’s FDNY). We line the front of our properties with luminaries and light them at dusk on Christmas Eve. This was apparently done in “older traditions” and we revived it on our street. We then drive down the street, with just the parking lights on, and look at all of the lights lined up on the road. It’s truly an awesome sight! Then we come home and have hot chocolate, before leaving out cookies for Santa! :)

  6. bn100
      · December 21st, 2014 at 10:04 pm · Link

    decorating the tree together

  7. Marie Mattingly-Woods
      · December 22nd, 2014 at 12:07 am · Link

    We open a gift on Christmas Eve & make gingerbread cookies. marie.mattingly88@yahoo.com

  8. Lisa K
      · December 22nd, 2014 at 5:34 am · Link

    In my house on Christmas Eve, we always play a game of Monopoly so we can enjoy being round the table together

  9. Tammy Ramey
      · December 22nd, 2014 at 5:47 am · Link

    every year when we decorate the tree we hide a small glass pickle decoration on it. then on Christmas day all of the children look for it and who ever finds it is suppose to have good luck for a year. it is a German tradition that comes from my mother’s side. it’s a fun little superstition. :) liked/shared trvlagnt1t@yahoo.com

  10. Danisha
      · December 28th, 2014 at 2:04 am · Link

    I love spending time with my family I don’t really have a tradition I usually take my kids out to look at all the Christmas light it really fun and we usually make cookies and play games as a family on Christmas eve but other then that we just spend the holidays with family.


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