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Milly Taiden
Guest Author Interview – Cynthia Sax – He Watches Me

Hello lovely readers! Today I am having the awesome Cynthia Sax over to talk about her smexy book He Watches Me (Part One of The Seen Trilogy) Can I just say this is SUPER HOT. And I know Cynthia writes hot enough to melt rubber. How do I know? She wrote me my own story (check out Lost Menage)

He Watches Me

CS He Watches Me

She desires to be seen. He wants to watch.

Anna Sampson has a naughty secret. Every night, she slips into her neighbor’s yard and swims naked in his pool. She fantasizes that the dynamic young billionaire watches her nightly nude aquatics, his brilliant green eyes gleaming with lust.

She discovers this isn’t pure fantasy. Gabriel Blaine has been watching her via his security cameras, and now that he has returned to L.A., he doesn’t plan to stop. That’s all he wants—to watch. Anna knows she shouldn’t allow him and she certainly shouldn’t want more, but she craves Blaine’s attention, needing his gaze fixed on her body.


Part One of The Seen Trilogy



So let’s get down to business. What is The Seen Trilogy?

The Seen Trilogy is a contemporary erotic romance serial. The three novellas (He Watches Me, He Touches Me, He Claims Me) follow the romance of not-so-innocent-yet-virginal Anna and Blaine, an enigmatic billionaire. Every novella has a beginning and an ending but I do recommend they be read in order.


Why is Blaine, the hero of He Watches Me, lickable?

This is how Anna describes him.

I’ve seen Gabriel Blaine, its elusive and surprisingly young owner, only once in the three weeks I’ve been house-sitting.

That once made an impact. I had been fiddling with the finicky front door lock when the billionaire exited from a long black limousine. He paused, turned his head toward me, and our gazes met, his eyes brilliant green and hard, so very hard. Even the lock of ink-black hair falling over his forehead failed to soften his sharp chin and pronounced cheekbones.

My keys dropped from my lifeless fingers to the concrete steps and I froze, unable to breathe. Blaine’s lips twitched and he inclined his head toward me as though I had confirmed something he’d long suspected. I, idiot that I am, nodded back, agreeing to what? I don’t know.

Whatever I had agreed upon seemed to satisfy Blaine. He moved like a predator toward his rarely used mansion, his stride smooth and almost graceful. He disappeared into his home, closing the door behind him, and I haven’t seen him since.

I really love Blaine’s intense focus. He sees everything. He pays attention to the details. He’s a voyeur and watching interests him but he also uses his watching to protect Anna, to please her. That’s very sexy.


What makes Blaine and Anna right for each other?

Blaine is the voyeur to Anna’s exhibitionist. He likes to watch. She likes to be watched. Anna feels insecure about her unusual needs. She worries about not being ‘normal.’ Blaine accepts her. He doesn’t judge her, instead embracing her exhibitionist tendencies and she becomes more confident, more daring.


Does Blaine or Anna have any secrets?

Both Blaine and Anna have secrets, secrets that can tear their lives and relationship apart. Anna has moved from town to town, running away from her past, from the harsh judgment of others. Blaine is a private man, allowing very few people into his inner circle. His reality is Anna’s past.


Will you concede I had first dibs on Fury from Laurann Dohner’s New Species series?

Milly, Milly, Milly, (shakes head) first dibs or last dibs, it doesn’t matter. What matters is I fully appreciate Fury’s hunkiness. I don’t dare mention his name in the same breath as those Fury Wannabes Justice and Tiger. Only Blaine can tempt me away from Fury. Ohhh… Blaine and Fury sandwich! Now, THAT would be hot!

 (You only say that because you haven’t read Mina’s Blood Mate…watch)


Buy Links:


Check out Cynthia

Website Link: http://cynthiasax.com/


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Wolf Protector Review – BTS emag June

 There’s a great review of Wolf Protector on page 69 so check it out!




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Guest Post – Bound to Me – Jeannette Medina

Hi lovely readers! Thanks for coming to read about the awesome Jeannette Medina’s debut release: Bound to Me. Do you love paranormal/fantasy and dragons? This is the book for you! Check it out and let’s share in the love for Jeannette!

Congrats Ms. Medina. Wish you lots of success girl!


Bound to Me

Bound To Me JM

A girl with nothing else to lose.

A life that’s brought nothing but pain.

A tattoo that’s more than what it seems.


Eighteen-year old Veronica has had enough. Her alcoholic mother has only delivered a slew of abusive step-fathers and life is only getting harder. What was to be a simple tattoo for her birthday brings more than she ever imagined.
Liam is a shape-shifting dragon. He lives on her shoulder, watching her, helping her. Having the dragon come to life and teaching her courage becomes a new lifeline for Veronica. But Liam will eventually become a permanent tattoo on her skin – never to take the shape of the protector she became attached to.
Will she embrace her life or will a broken heart shatter her soul forever?



JM excerpt


Buy it NOW at:


Amazon and Barnes and Noble



About the Author


JM Bio



Jeannette Medina currently lives in Syracuse New York. She is a single mother to her two Beautiful little girls and works full time. She is a bookworm to the 10th power, so you will always catch her with a book in her hand. Her favorite type of genre is Paranormal Romance. She believes that anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Jeannette continues to write in her spare time and is loved by her beautiful family.


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Teaser Time – Wolf Fever



I’ve decided to give you all a little taste of Wolf Fever. And I think you’ll be hooked with this sexy story.


Wolf Fever © Milly Taiden

Coming June 21st


She stood, ready to bolt. “I need to go to the ladies room.” She gasped when she found her back pressed to a wall and Ryder’s body pressed to her front.

A slow shudder crawled down her spine and buried deep in her core. He cupped her cheek with one hand and her hip with the other, pressing the bar of his cock into her belly. Fuck but he felt good. More than good. Perfect. Now she just needed him inside her body, putting out the fire his scent had started. Heat dripped from her slit. Arousal shot through her veins, thickening her blood. She’d never wanted a man as much as she did him, and it scared her.

Head tilted, she blinked his face into focus.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Ryder asked with that panty-melting voice.

Hell no. Her mind was a jumbled mess of needs and wants. She was having a hard time remembering her own damn name and here he was asking her questions.


No. Please god. He lowered his head. She couldn’t take much more of this hormonal torture her body was putting her through. Everything felt tight. She held her breath, continuing to watch his dark eyes. With every inch he moved closer, her body argued for her to grab him, to touch him. But she fought it and fisted her hands at her sides.

“Are you sure you want to go?“

His warm breath smelled of beer and some kind of mint. And she wanted to taste. Not just taste, she wanted to lick, suck, and devour him.


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Guest Post ~ Marked ~ Jennifer James

Hello lovely readers! I have a great treat for you today. The super smexy writer Jennifer James is dishing out on her latest short (ONLY $0.99 you all! GO GRAB ONE!)

Let’s give her a big hand and check out her book, Marked.


I have a bad habit of creating series. I love to read them, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I keep writing them. *grin* Last week I released my very first Indie title, a short story set in a universe called HOWL. This universe will be in the spirit of Felicity Heaton’s Vampire Realms, with lots of different characters, book lengths, and storylines. I hope you’ll enjoy my take on werewolf soul mates in this first installment, MARKED.


Jen James


Five years ago she ran. . .

Kayla is back where she belongs: in Jack’s arms. But after the initial explosion of pent up longing and need have passed, she has to convince him to complete the bond between them.

Ingrained fears sent her running, but the need for her mate and the love she’s denied has brought her back. To be Marked will join their souls together forever, a bond Kayla can no longer live without.

An Alpha wolf, Jack waited for Kayla to return to him and protected her from afar. When he senses her outside his home, he isn’t beyond setting a trap meant to entice her back.

Once he has her, he has to show her it isn’t just her heart he needs.

He needs her trust and with it, her submission.



Let’s get to know those main characters!


Jack Character Profile



Kayla Character Profile


To celebrate the release of MARKED, I’m running a Rafflecopter through May 31. In it, there’s a chance to win a gorgeous book thong I created!

MARKED book thong


BUT WAIT! There’s more!

I also two some Jennifer James swag packs up for grabs. But don’t worry, if the Rafflecopter doesn’t smile on you, I’m hosting a Facebook party May 31. There will be ebooks, awesome swag, and lots of games.

Buy Links


Barnes and Noble




a Rafflecopter giveaway


Author Bio:

Jennifer James lives in a fantasy land where it’s always 75 degrees and sunny, a river made of non-fat chocolate runs past her house, and dogs don’t poop. (She hates cleaning up dog pooh.) A mutli-published author of erotica and erotic romance, she loves to write stories with heat, heart, and happily ever afters.

Find me on the web! 






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