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Milly Taiden

Dangerous Protector Blog Tour & Giveaway



Hello! Thanks for joining me in this fun blog tour and giveaway.

ย Enter daily for a chance to win!

Participating blogs will be listed below . Come back so you can join in and win stuff at each stop! Plus read new excerpts and blog posts.


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Name of Blog or FB Page Complete Blog Address or FB page Address Date Scheduled
Close Encounters with the Night Kind http://closeencounterswiththenightkind.blogspot.com 5/14/2014
Ebooks Galore http://nkuhnebooks.blogspot.com 5/16/2014
Bookends http://bookender.blogspot.com/ 5/16/2014
Teracia’s book obsession http://teraciasbooks.blogspot.com/ 5/17/2014
uniquecblog http://uniquecblog.wordpress.com/ 5/17/2014
Musings From An Addicted Reader http://musingsfromanaddictedreader.wordpress.com/ 5/18/2014
Book 2 Book http://book2book.ca 5/18/2014
ForeverTBR http://forevertbr.blogspot.com 5/18/2014
Paranormal Tendencies http://www.paranormaltendencies.com 5/19/2014
Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock http://www.pratr.wordpress.com 5/20/2014
zee books blog www.zeeeandbahiyyah.wordpress.com 5/20/2014
Stone Soup Swag https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stone-Soup-Swag-Promote-and-Review/1433301856882616?ref=hl 5/21/2014
Randy Raunchy Roamnce Book Blog https://www.facebook.com/rrrbookblog 5/21/2014
Eskimo Princess Book Reviews http://eskimoprincess.blogspot.com/ 5/22/2014
The Simple Things in Life http://pwrspot.blogspot.com 5/22/2014
Page Princess http://pageprincess.wordpress.com 5/22/2014
Angel’s Guilty Pleasures http://angelsguiltypleasures.blogspot.com/ 5/22/2014
ParaSuperNormalism http://parasupernormalism.blogspot.com 5/23/2014
Selena Illyria’s Blog http://www.selenaillyria.com/blog 5/23/2014
I Heart Books http://officialiheartbooks.blogspot.com/ 5/24/2014
Sweet, Beautiful, Moments in West FL http://momentsinwestfl.blogspot.com 5/25/2014
Rage, Sex and Teddy Bears http://ragesexandteddybears.blogspot.com/ 5/25/2014
Fantasy Promotions http://fantasypromotions.blogspot.com/ 5/26/2014
Corey’s Book Reviews http://www.coreywisniewski.blogspot.com 5/26/2014
Read Me http://lisatjung.blogspot.com/ 5/27/2014
Stephanie’s Book Reports http://www.stephaniesbookreports.com
Book Flirts http://bookflirtsbyjessi.blogspot.com 5/28/2014
For the Love of Bookends http://loveofbookends.blogspot.com/ 5/29/2014
Author Tracey Steinbach http://traceysteinbachtraceymichael.blogspot.com/ 5/30/2014
Musings of the Book-a-holic Fairies, Inc. http://bookaholicfairies.blogspot.com 5/30/2014
Snarky Mom Reads… http://www.snarkymomreads.com 5/31/2014
A Book Addict’s Delight http://abookaddictsdelight.tumblr.com / https://www.facebook.com/ABookAddictsDelight 6/1/2014
Celestial Reviews http://cecesreviews.blogspot.com 6/1/2014
swtnsassydawno https://www.facebook.com/swtnsassydawno 6/2/2014
Toot’s Book Reviews http://tootsbookreviews.blogspot.com 6/3/2014
For Whom The Books Toll http://forwhomthebookstoll.blogspot.com 6/3/2014
Jill Prand http://jillprand.blogspot.com 6/4/2014
Confessions of 2 Book Lovers http://confessionsof2booklovers.blogspot.com/ 6/4/2014
LSK Sweetheart Reviews http://lsksweetheartreviews.wordpress.com/ 6/4/2014
barbaras book review http://barbarabookreviews.blogspot.com/?m=1 6/5/2014
girlygirlbookreviews http://www.girlygirlbookreviews.com/ 6/6/2014
Gracen Miller http://gracen-miller.blogspot.com 6/7/2014
A Southern Lady’s Book Blog http://asouthernladysbookblog.blogspot.com/ 6/8/2014
Buffy’s Ramblings Http://buffy-Kennedy.blogspot.com 6/9/2014
Booklover Sue http://bookloversue.blogspot.com/ 6/10/2014
TNT Reviews http://tntreviews.weebly.com/ 6/11/2014
MsRomanticReads http://msromanticreads.wordpress.com 6/12/2014
LILLY MAC’S BLOG http://www.lillianmackenzierhine.com 6/13/2014
A Crazy Vermonter’s Book Reviews http://heather-andrews.blogspot.com/ 6/14/2014
Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads http://shaynareneesspicyreads.com 6/15/2014
As You Wish Reviews http://asyouwishreviews.blogspot.com/ 6/16/2014
Ravenz Reviews Http://RavenzReviews.blogspot.com 6/17/2014
Read Your Writes Book Reviews http://readyourwrites.blogspot.com 6/18/2014
Anne Lange https://authorannelange.com/ 6/18/2014
Fictional Candy http://www.fictionalcandy.com 6/18/2014
A.R. Von DreamZ of Dragons http://dreamzofdragons.blogspot.com/ 6/19/2014
The Fairest of All Book Reviews http://fairestofall.wordpress.com/ 6/20/2014
Reading Between the Wines Book Club http://www.readingbetweenthewinesbookclub.com/ 6/21/2014
Shannon Burdsall https://www.facebook.com/shannon.burdsall 6/21/2014
Carpe_Diem http://carpe-diem-sieze-the-day.blogspot.com/ 6/22/2014
Miriam Smith – Written Love http://mirriamsmyth.WordPress.com 6/23/2014
Reading by the Book http://readingbythebook.com 6/23/2014
In The Page of a Good Book http://www.inthepagesofagoodbook.com (https://www.facebook.com/inthepagesofagoodbook) 6/24/2014
Reading by the Book http://readingbythebook.com 6/25/2014
Indy Book Fairy http://paranormalbookfairy.blogspot.com/ 6/26/2014
Bookoholic Anom http://www.bookoholicanom.com 6/27/2014
The Kabrini Message http://kabrinimessage.blogspot.com/ 6/27/2014
Smexy Fab Four ย  6/28/2014
Breny’s Book Obsession http://brenysbookobsession.wordpress.com/ 6/29/2014
Ramblings of a Book Lunatic http://booklunaticramblings.blogspot.com 6/29/2014
Sweet moments in southwest florida http://momentsinwestfl.blogspot.com ย 

4 comments to “Dangerous Protector Blog Tour & Giveaway”

  1. Lisa Zetouna
      · May 4th, 2014 at 2:57 pm · Link

    Thank you for this giveaway!! I don’t have tweeter, sorry! But I Love your books! Please don’t stop writing these amazing books.

  2. Jennifer
      · May 8th, 2014 at 10:50 pm · Link

    ThankYou for your Giveaway! Liked & shared! Tweeted & tried to cut & paste, but it wouldn’t work! Love your Amazing Books!

  3. Brooke Bumgardner
      · May 11th, 2014 at 6:48 pm · Link

    This is such a wonderful giveaway! Thank you so much! Happy to help share your new release. :)

  4. Dawn
      · May 30th, 2014 at 4:55 pm · Link

    Wow this is a great and wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the chance. I will be happy to spread the word.

    Dawn. Aka. Txsteddy


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