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Milly Taiden

Archive for December, 2014

Guest author: Jessica Coulter Smith

Jessica lives in a world where warlocks, shapeshifters and fairies exist, and everyone deserves a happy ending—from tragic vampires finally finding love after centuries of being alone, to super hunky womanizing werewolves finding their destined mate—it’s all in a day’s work. Unable to find a werewolf of her very own, she decided to marry someone who thinks he’s one—minus the howling at the full moon, fleas, and a rousing game of chase-the-mailman. Okay, so he sometimes howls at the full moon. When she isn’t writing, Jessica enjoys spending time with her family, reading (mostly romance), or going to the beach. She’s especially fond of bookstores and Starbucks! Author Links Facebook    Twitter    WebsitePlease welcome Jessica Coulter Smith to the blog today.  She’s given us a fun little excerpt from Red’s Big Bad Read the rest »

Family traditions (31 Days of Christmas)

31dayslogoThe holidays are about so many things–the major themes being giving back, spending time with family and usually a religious Read the rest »

Do you hear what I hear? (31 Days of Christmas)

31dayslogoChristmas is right around the corner! Are you ready? I’m getting there…and looking forward to our trip to Disney!  I Read the rest »

Guest author: Rosanna Leo

Predator's_Fire_coverHello my lovelies! Please welcome Rosanna Leo to the blog.  Rosanna’s latest release is Predator’s Fire. Check out the awesome Read the rest »

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree…and more! 31 Days of Christmas

31dayslogoChristmas songs–you either love ’em or hate ’em!  Who now has Rocking Around the Christmas Tree stuck in their head?  Read the rest »


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