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Milly Taiden
SSS: Wynter’s Captive

Today I’m giving you a tiny unedited bit of my wolves. Wynter’s Captive should be coming soon.


Lili took a small step. Both animals closed in on her. Her chest rose and fell with each hiss of air out of her lungs.

Bones popped, first on one, and then the other wolf. A few moments later there were two tall, good-looking and very naked men standing before her.

Her gaze strayed down to peek at each of their crotches.

Hot damn!



Take a moment to check out my latest release… Stranded Temptation


Stranded together, their passions will run wild.

Kara has a deep dislike for her boss, Max. She also wants him so badly it’s making her nuts. He’s a workaholic, a robot man. And he’s never shown the least bit of interest in her or anything else that wasn’t recorded in the corporate minutes. But when their plane crashes on the way to a meeting, leaving them stranded on a deserted island…just the two of them, all alone with all that ocean around them…Kara decides it’s time to start living. And by living, she means using Max for all the hot sex she’s been denied.

Max wants Kara—has wanted her for a long time. Unable to come out and cross the line between professional and personal, he makes her accompany him on business trips just to have her around. When they crash land and Kara shows him how much she wants him, he decides to quit being so professional and take the woman of his dreams. After all, what happens in the middle of nowhere, stays in the middle of nowhere. Until they’re rescued.

Back in the real world, things aren’t as easy. Kara is afraid to start a relationship with a man who completely ignored her until she took off her clothes, and Max is afraid she’ll never be able to trust him. But when someone makes it clear that Kara’s in danger, Max has more to protect than Kara’s feelings. And now that he has her, he’s not about to let her go.

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Guest Blog – New Year’s Goals – C. Descoteaux

Today I want to welcome fellow Etopian Charley Descoteaux and her sexy novella Comfort and Joy.

I’m a big fan of Charley’s cover and the excerpt is outstanding! Charley is going to share with you some New Year’s goals. Take it away Charley!

CharleyDescoteaux_ComfortandJoy_200x300 (1)

New Year’s Goals

Thanks for having me, Milly!  I hope your family had a wonderful holiday!

 Goals for the New Year seemed like an easy subject, but I’m one of those Resolutionists who usually make long lists and accomplish maybe one or two things on each!  For many years I listed the same goal on every list:  to have a novel published.  I’ve been lucky with short stories, but only the tame ones – it seemed the steamier they got the more rejections I got.

 I took a couple of years off from seeking publication to deal with health issues, and when I ventured back the wild world of ebooks greeted me!  I was like a kid in a candy store, running around the internet sampling all the sweet and spicy treats.  It took a little while, but I realized the kinds of stories the mainstream publishers had been rejecting were exactly what I was reading!  I dove right in and started writing with the goal of being published again, but this time the bedroom doors all stayed open.

 I love my sexy guys, and plan to keep writing their stories as long as they’ll keep talking to me.  I’m also hoping to stretch outside the contemporary romance genre in 2013.  I’ve been working on a paranormal erotic romance that can’t decide if it wants to be a mystery or a thriller and it’s been a lot of fun.

 What’s on your list of goals for 2013?


Comfort and Joy

How much love does it take to heal the wounds of hate?

Sam and Charlie have been together over a decade, and their commitment to each other has only grown stronger through the years. But love isn’t always easy, and eighteen months after a violent assault, their fairy-tale relationship is still struggling. Charlie can’t shake the lingering fear of attracting more violence by displaying affection, and he’s angry at himself for not getting past it. Sam would do anything to help Charlie feel better—if only he knew what that was.

The century-old farmhouse in Northwest Oregon is the perfect place to spend the holidays with Sam’s family, but it was their refuge after the attack, and it still holds painful memories of those difficult first months. Christmas should be a joyful time, but even being surrounded by people who love him isn’t enough to make Charlie feel safe. He could try to keep to himself, but even if Sam agreed to give him the space he needs, Sam’s warm and loving family might not. And even though they agreed not to exchange gifts, Sam has a surprise up his sleeve that he hopes will make everything merry and bright. But he may end up more surprised than Charlie before the week is out…



Sam continued up the stairs, considering how to go about putting Charlie’s perfect ass on a piano bench became entangled with the unfortunate fact that as long as they slept upstairs they would be showering separately.  He gave Charlie first chance at the hot water and then sped through his shower as fast as he could.  Sam stopped just inside the bedroom door and closed it quietly.  He towelled his hair and let his gaze linger on Charlie, lying still on top of the quilt, bare feet on the floor, partially covered with a green towel.  A slice of moonlight filtered through the curtain on the opposite wall and across Charlie’s body, which was a work of art even when not bathed in romantic mood-lighting.  After a few moments Sam realized Charlie was also watching him.

Charlie flipped the towel up and away from his body and Sam felt as though someone had just grabbed him by the throat.  After barely a heartbeat’s hesitation he strode to the foot of the bed and leaned over Charlie to kiss him.  Sam’s free hand caressed his slender chest and shoulders.  When he felt goose bumps Sam lowered himself over Charlie but kept all his weight on both knees and one hand.

Sam moaned softly and moved his dark hand over the fair skin on Charlie’s abs.  He hadn’t regained any of the bulk he’d lost but made up for it with dizzying definition and a solidity he hadn’t had before.

“Vanilla ice cream.”  Sam began to kiss his way down Charlie’s chest and felt a cool hand on his head exerting a gentle pressure, urging him lower.

“You’re lactose intolerant.”

Sam looked up and grinned for a short moment, then slipped down even farther.  “I’ll just have to lick you instead.”

About Charley

Charley Descoteaux has always loved stories and began writing them down to appease the characters in her head who insisted daydreaming just wasn’t good enough.  Home is Portland, Oregon, where the weather is like your favorite hard-case writing buddy who won’t let you get away with taking too many days off, and in some places you can be as weird as you are without fear.

Buy Comfort and Joy


Amazon US – http://amzn.com/B00APRADZ0

Amazon CA – http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00APRADZ0

Amazon UK – http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00APRADZ0

Barnes & Noble – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/comfort-and-joy-charley-descouteaux/1113992806?ean=2940016096100

All Romance eBooks: – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-comfortandjoy-1026128-145.html


Rattle my cages:
Blog:  http://cdescoteauxwrites.wordpress.com/
Facebook Author Page:  http://www.facebook.com/CharleyDescoteauxAuthor
Twitter – https://twitter.com/CharleyDescote
Goodreads – http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/13665577-charley-descoteaux

e-mail: c.descoteauxwrites@gmail.com


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SSS: A bit more Stranded Temptation

Today I’m giving you another bit from my HOT contemporary erotic romance- Stranded Temptation (OUT NOW!)

This is where Brian and Max talk as Kara walks away.


Brian’s voice broke through his concentration. He’d joined him at the door and watched her walk away.

“She’s hot, Maxi pad, but why didn’t you tell me you were hitting that?”

Max fisted his hands and turned to glare at his friend. “She’s not a ‘that,’ dumbass! And keep your hands away from her.”





Stranded together, their passions will run wild.

Kara has a deep dislike for her boss, Max. She also wants him so badly it’s making her nuts. He’s a workaholic, a robot man. And he’s never shown the least bit of interest in her or anything else that wasn’t recorded in the corporate minutes. But when their plane crashes on the way to a meeting, leaving them stranded on a deserted island…just the two of them, all alone with all that ocean around them…Kara decides it’s time to start living. And by living, she means using Max for all the hot sex she’s been denied.

Max wants Kara—has wanted her for a long time. Unable to come out and cross the line between professional and personal, he makes her accompany him on business trips just to have her around. When they crash land and Kara shows him how much she wants him, he decides to quit being so professional and take the woman of his dreams. After all, what happens in the middle of nowhere, stays in the middle of nowhere. Until they’re rescued.

Back in the real world, things aren’t as easy. Kara is afraid to start a relationship with a man who completely ignored her until she took off her clothes, and Max is afraid she’ll never be able to trust him. But when someone makes it clear that Kara’s in danger, Max has more to protect than Kara’s feelings. And now that he has her, he’s not about to let her go.

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Gifting Books Giveaway Hop***WINNERS***


$5 Amazon.com GC – Jenny and Tina Donnelly


Welcome to my stop in the Gifting Books Giveaway Hop!!

I’ve been gifted a lot of books through the years. Some were exactly to my taste and others not so much. I think with each book I found something in it to keep me reading it. My favorite book is an OLD romance with the words Fleur de Lis in the title. It’s in English but it’s about a Russian princess who lost her memory and wakes up married to a privateer. The romance and the action in that book kept me sighing for the entire duration. I got that book almost twenty years ago and treasured it for a long time. But with moves and things of that nature, I lost it at some point. I was devastated. I loved that story so much I went on Amazon looking for it. And I found it!!! :D I bought it and it’s at home. I read it again but after so many years, and my own writing happening, it was still good, but now I looked at it differently, through the eyes of a writer. I still love the story and will always treasure it for what it was, one of the many romances that pushed my love of writing…

Thank you for stopping by today. Here’s what you can win here.

2 Winners – Each will each take home a $5 amazon gc from my stop.

Take a moment to read about my latest release: Stranded Temptation.


Stranded Temptation

Stranded together, their passions will run wild.

Kara has a deep dislike for her boss, Max. She also wants him so badly it’s making her nuts. He’s a workaholic, a robot man. And he’s never shown the least bit of interest in her or anything else that wasn’t recorded in the corporate minutes. But when their plane crashes on the way to a meeting, leaving them stranded on a deserted island…just the two of them, all alone with all that ocean around them…Kara decides it’s time to start living. And by living, she means using Max for all the hot sex she’s been denied.

Max wants Kara—has wanted her for a long time. Unable to come out and cross the line between professional and personal, he makes her accompany him on business trips just to have her around. When they crash land and Kara shows him how much she wants him, he decides to quit being so professional and take the woman of his dreams. After all, what happens in the middle of nowhere, stays in the middle of nowhere. Until they’re rescued.

Back in the real world, things aren’t as easy. Kara is afraid to start a relationship with a man who completely ignored her until she took off her clothes, and Max is afraid she’ll never be able to trust him. But when someone makes it clear that Kara’s in danger, Max has more to protect than Kara’s feelings. And now that he has her, he’s not about to let her go.

a Rafflecopter giveaway





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Secret Santa Blog Hop***WINNER***
Welcome to my stop in the Secret Santa Blog Hop


1 -$5 Amazon.Com GC goes to Shadow!

Congrats Shadow I will email you directly.

I love Christmas and the holidays. As a native NYer, one of my favorite traditions is going down to Rockefeller Center with all the kids, my sister and other family and checking out the big tree. It’s a fun ride. We start out by getting some coffee at Dunkin Donuts (for
anyone that knows me knows I am DD addicted lol). Then we take the train down to midtown. We check out all the store windows for their winter/Christmas displays. We visit the tree and check out the ice skating rink.
After that we move out of the crowds and find a nice place to eat. Somewhere fun where the kids enjoy themselves. My hope is to take them to Serendipity 3 this year. If you are a NYer, I’m sure you’ve heard of Serendipity 3. They were the first place to make frozen hot chocolate and a HUGE ice cream sundae. OMG and their foot long hot dogs and cheddar burgers rock!
After all that, we must continue the trek and visit Bryant park, where we check out all the handmade shops and small business tents. We end off the night with some amazing hot chocolate from Chocolate by the Bald Man. It rocks!
In the spirit of the winter and Christmas I want to know, do you like hot chocolate?
1 Entry – Leave a comment
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You have 3 ways to get entries. A winner for My gift will be chosen once the hop ends. My giveaway for this hop is
1 Winner will take home a $5 amazon gc from my stop.
 Thanks for stopping by

For MORE chances to win, check out the other blogs and at the end you will have gotten a bunch of entries toward a KINDLE FIRE!!! Plus a bunch of awesome books to read!


Click on the photo below. It will take you back to the blog hop main page and you can keep on hopping!


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