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Milly Taiden
Family traditions (31 Days of Christmas)

31dayslogoThe holidays are about so many things–the major themes being giving back, spending time with family and usually a religious celebration (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, etc).  My family is really big on just being together–spending quality time with one another.  This is also one of my favorite things about the holidays as I love just being with my family.  My husband and I take our son down to see the tree at Rockefeller Center, walk around and see the sights, etc. Rock_Tree

I also love hearing about what traditions others have this time of year.  What are some traditions in your family?  Comment below for a chance to #win a swag pack.  Don’t forget to enter for the grand prize–a Kindle Voyager (or $199 gift card) AND to stop over at Mina Carter’s blog to see her holiday fun! swag

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Do you hear what I hear? (31 Days of Christmas)

31dayslogoChristmas is right around the corner! Are you ready? I’m getting there…and looking forward to our trip to Disney!  I had an odd thought–do people still go Christmas caroling?  This isn’t something I used to do in the traditional sense–going door to door with a group signing to my neighbors. However, my sister and I were in our church choir and we always did a Christmas pageant (birth of Christ and lots of singing) every year.  So, I’m kind of curious, does anyone go caroling–either door to door, or around town to businesses, nursing homes, etc?

Let me know if you still carol (or know anyone who does…or not) below for a chance to #win a signed sports pack bag.  Winners from all 31 Days of Christmas contests will be announced on January 4, 2015 on the blog.  Also, are you stopping by over at Mina Carter’s blog and checking out her 31 Days of Christmas posts?  1 lucky winner will #win a Kindle Voyager (or $199 gift card).  Only a couple weeks left!31dayssportspack

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Guest author: Rosanna Leo

Predator's_Fire_coverHello my lovelies! Please welcome Rosanna Leo to the blog.  Rosanna’s latest release is Predator’s Fire. Check out the awesome excerpt.  Thanks Rosanna for stopping by!

In her world, he shouldn’t exist. In his world, she’s about to become an endangered species.


“How much longer do I have to wait? I want to see Killian Moon. Now.”

The feminine voice, strangely soft despite its insistence, echoed deep in his being, awakening his jaguar. The great cat roared to life, turned toward the office and inhaled deeply. Its eyes flashed in interest.


Killian breathed in at the same time, catching the scent of cherry blossoms through the door. The sweet perfume, mixed with human outrage, proved a heady distraction, making him forget why he was there. Shaking his head, he tried to dismiss the odd sensation as Ryland opened the door.

The door swung open and the first person he glimpsed was one of the clerks from reception, trying his hardest to placate the unexpected guest. “I’m sure Mr. Snow and Mr. Moon will be right back.”

And then his gaze landed on the petite human. Tapered Asian eyes, so dark and mysterious, but rimmed with circles of exhaustion. Smooth, cinnamon skin hinted at a mixed background. Wearing no makeup, she appeared younger than she must be, but her presence and keen eyes pegged her at around thirty years old. She had a riot of curly, black hair and feminine curves that ought to come with a warning. He could see it now. Beware: this woman’s body will cause insanity in men. Even as she gesticulated at the clerk, her boobs jiggled in such a way his throat went dry.

He pictured her in a corset, her breasts spilling over delicate lace edging, and almost forgot his name.

This Nina Suzuki was damn hot and his jaguar seemed to agree. The animal licked its lips, its golden gaze assessing and appreciating every detail, from her rounded hips to her come-hither rack.

Yes, the creature uttered on a frenzied breath.

predator'sfireoptAbout Predator’s Fire:

When Nina Suzuki discovers the body of her best friend Janine, her world turns upside down. Things go from bad to worse when Janine’s corpse seems to transform into that of a large, brown wolf. For the first time, Nina is faced to confront all the clues indicating her BFF was not what she seemed. A letter from the dead woman opens Nina’s eyes to a strange, new world. The same letter warns of a sinister group called the Alpha Brethren, and urges her to find Killian Moon of the Ursa Fishing Lodge and Resort on Gemini Island.

Killian Moon is a jaguar shifter and teen mentor at the Ursa Lodge in Northern Ontario. He may be a comfort and inspiration to confused teen shifters, but he also has a fiery past. His past comes back to haunt him when human Nina arrives at the resort, demanding to speak with him. Demanding answers. Can he trust her with knowledge that will not only change her life, but possibly endanger those around him?

As Killian begrudgingly tutors Nina on all things shifter, their mutual curiosity flares into passionate need. Once they touch, once they succumb to desire, there is no going back. Killian realizes Nina is his mate and they both begin to comprehend the terror threatening those on their shifter-friendly island. He is forced to confront the tragedy in his family and determines to protect Nina at all costs.

But can they protect everyone they love from a cult of dangerous shifters, intent on horror and destruction?

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RLauthorpicAbout Rosanna Leo:

 Rosanna Leo is a multi-published romance author with Liquid Silver Books. Several of her books have been named Night Owl Romance and Two Lips Recommended Reads. A native of Toronto, Canada, Rosanna loves injecting a bit of Canadian flavor into her books. When not writing, she can be found haunting dusty library stacks or planning her next star-crossed love affair. Her hot contemporary romance Vice will be published with Samhain Publishing summer 2015.

 Connect with Rosanna:

Website  Facebook  Twitter  Goodreads  Pinterest  Instagram

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Rocking Around the Christmas Tree…and more! 31 Days of Christmas

31dayslogoChristmas songs–you either love ’em or hate ’em!  Who now has Rocking Around the Christmas Tree stuck in their head?  Anyone remember Home Alone? I love Christmas songs and Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, along with a few others, is one of my faves. It’s just so happy and festive–it’s always good for a party.  A more traditional favorite is Joy to the World. I also really enjoy I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

scentofmate What are some of your favorite tunes to listen to during the holidays? Comment below and be entered to #win a signed copy of Scent of a Mate.  Winners from all contests will be announced on January 4, 2015 here on the blog.  And don’t forget to check out Mina Carter’s blog as well for our joint 31 Days of Christmas fun.  We’re #givingaway a Kindle Voyager to one lucky reader (or $199 gift card) in addition to our smaller giveaways!

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Party time–what parties are on your schedule this holiday season? (31 Days of Christmas)

31dayslogoOnly 10 more days til Christmas!! It’s also the season for parties–office, friends, etc.  Does your office throw a holiday party? What about your friends, do you all get together to celebrate? Don’t forget about the White Elephant (do you allow “steals”?) and Secret Santa’s.  I love doing Secret Santa with my street team. We have a lot of fun.  I tend to go crazy with gift buying, which my family just rolls with–I’m sure they don’t mind all the presents  :-D .

Part of the whole holiday/Christmas season is spending time with loved ones, friends and taking time to relax, even at the workplace.  Tell me what parties are on your holiday schedule this year for a chance to win a swag pack. 

And don’t forget to stop by Mina Carter‘s blog. Part of our party schedule is doing the 31 Days of Christmas celebration on our blogs. Enter daily for a chance to win the grand prize of a Kindle Voyager, or $199 gift card.  All my winners will be announced on January 4, 2015 so make sure to check back to see if you’ve won! swag
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