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Milly Taiden
Multi-Author and Premium Swag Giveaway



Welcome to another Multi-Author and Premium Swag Giveaway! Please be sure to enter so you can have lots of chances! Share with your friends :D

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Dangerous Protector Blog Tour & Giveaway



Hello! Thanks for joining me in this fun blog tour and giveaway.

 Enter daily for a chance to win!

Participating blogs will be listed below . Come back so you can join in and win stuff at each stop! Plus read new excerpts and blog posts.


a Rafflecopter giveaway



Name of Blog or FB Page Complete Blog Address or FB page Address Date Scheduled
Close Encounters with the Night Kind http://closeencounterswiththenightkind.blogspot.com 5/14/2014
Ebooks Galore http://nkuhnebooks.blogspot.com 5/16/2014
Bookends http://bookender.blogspot.com/ 5/16/2014
Teracia’s book obsession http://teraciasbooks.blogspot.com/ 5/17/2014
uniquecblog http://uniquecblog.wordpress.com/ 5/17/2014
Musings From An Addicted Reader http://musingsfromanaddictedreader.wordpress.com/ 5/18/2014
Book 2 Book http://book2book.ca 5/18/2014
ForeverTBR http://forevertbr.blogspot.com 5/18/2014
Paranormal Tendencies http://www.paranormaltendencies.com 5/19/2014
Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock http://www.pratr.wordpress.com 5/20/2014
zee books blog www.zeeeandbahiyyah.wordpress.com 5/20/2014
Stone Soup Swag https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stone-Soup-Swag-Promote-and-Review/1433301856882616?ref=hl 5/21/2014
Randy Raunchy Roamnce Book Blog https://www.facebook.com/rrrbookblog 5/21/2014
Eskimo Princess Book Reviews http://eskimoprincess.blogspot.com/ 5/22/2014
The Simple Things in Life http://pwrspot.blogspot.com 5/22/2014
Page Princess http://pageprincess.wordpress.com 5/22/2014
Angel’s Guilty Pleasures http://angelsguiltypleasures.blogspot.com/ 5/22/2014
ParaSuperNormalism http://parasupernormalism.blogspot.com 5/23/2014
Selena Illyria’s Blog http://www.selenaillyria.com/blog 5/23/2014
I Heart Books http://officialiheartbooks.blogspot.com/ 5/24/2014
Sweet, Beautiful, Moments in West FL http://momentsinwestfl.blogspot.com 5/25/2014
Rage, Sex and Teddy Bears http://ragesexandteddybears.blogspot.com/ 5/25/2014
Fantasy Promotions http://fantasypromotions.blogspot.com/ 5/26/2014
Corey’s Book Reviews http://www.coreywisniewski.blogspot.com 5/26/2014
Read Me http://lisatjung.blogspot.com/ 5/27/2014
Stephanie’s Book Reports http://www.stephaniesbookreports.com
Book Flirts http://bookflirtsbyjessi.blogspot.com 5/28/2014
For the Love of Bookends http://loveofbookends.blogspot.com/ 5/29/2014
Author Tracey Steinbach http://traceysteinbachtraceymichael.blogspot.com/ 5/30/2014
Musings of the Book-a-holic Fairies, Inc. http://bookaholicfairies.blogspot.com 5/30/2014
Snarky Mom Reads… http://www.snarkymomreads.com 5/31/2014
A Book Addict’s Delight http://abookaddictsdelight.tumblr.com / https://www.facebook.com/ABookAddictsDelight 6/1/2014
Celestial Reviews http://cecesreviews.blogspot.com 6/1/2014
swtnsassydawno https://www.facebook.com/swtnsassydawno 6/2/2014
Toot’s Book Reviews http://tootsbookreviews.blogspot.com 6/3/2014
For Whom The Books Toll http://forwhomthebookstoll.blogspot.com 6/3/2014
Jill Prand http://jillprand.blogspot.com 6/4/2014
Confessions of 2 Book Lovers http://confessionsof2booklovers.blogspot.com/ 6/4/2014
LSK Sweetheart Reviews http://lsksweetheartreviews.wordpress.com/ 6/4/2014
barbaras book review http://barbarabookreviews.blogspot.com/?m=1 6/5/2014
girlygirlbookreviews http://www.girlygirlbookreviews.com/ 6/6/2014
Gracen Miller http://gracen-miller.blogspot.com 6/7/2014
A Southern Lady’s Book Blog http://asouthernladysbookblog.blogspot.com/ 6/8/2014
Buffy’s Ramblings Http://buffy-Kennedy.blogspot.com 6/9/2014
Booklover Sue http://bookloversue.blogspot.com/ 6/10/2014
TNT Reviews http://tntreviews.weebly.com/ 6/11/2014
MsRomanticReads http://msromanticreads.wordpress.com 6/12/2014
LILLY MAC’S BLOG http://www.lillianmackenzierhine.com 6/13/2014
A Crazy Vermonter’s Book Reviews http://heather-andrews.blogspot.com/ 6/14/2014
Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads http://shaynareneesspicyreads.com 6/15/2014
As You Wish Reviews http://asyouwishreviews.blogspot.com/ 6/16/2014
Ravenz Reviews Http://RavenzReviews.blogspot.com 6/17/2014
Read Your Writes Book Reviews http://readyourwrites.blogspot.com 6/18/2014
Anne Lange https://authorannelange.com/ 6/18/2014
Fictional Candy http://www.fictionalcandy.com 6/18/2014
A.R. Von DreamZ of Dragons http://dreamzofdragons.blogspot.com/ 6/19/2014
The Fairest of All Book Reviews http://fairestofall.wordpress.com/ 6/20/2014
Reading Between the Wines Book Club http://www.readingbetweenthewinesbookclub.com/ 6/21/2014
Shannon Burdsall https://www.facebook.com/shannon.burdsall 6/21/2014
Carpe_Diem http://carpe-diem-sieze-the-day.blogspot.com/ 6/22/2014
Miriam Smith – Written Love http://mirriamsmyth.WordPress.com 6/23/2014
Reading by the Book http://readingbythebook.com 6/23/2014
In The Page of a Good Book http://www.inthepagesofagoodbook.com (https://www.facebook.com/inthepagesofagoodbook) 6/24/2014
Reading by the Book http://readingbythebook.com 6/25/2014
Indy Book Fairy http://paranormalbookfairy.blogspot.com/ 6/26/2014
Bookoholic Anom http://www.bookoholicanom.com 6/27/2014
The Kabrini Message http://kabrinimessage.blogspot.com/ 6/27/2014
Smexy Fab Four   6/28/2014
Breny’s Book Obsession http://brenysbookobsession.wordpress.com/ 6/29/2014
Ramblings of a Book Lunatic http://booklunaticramblings.blogspot.com 6/29/2014
Sweet moments in southwest florida http://momentsinwestfl.blogspot.com  

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Dangerous Protector Release Winners

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Want to know who won at the pre-party and the release party games? Winners listed below in order of game played and prize to be awarded!

***Party is May 16 – May 18 PRE-PARTY begins April 30th***



Having problems with the form? Email pa.millytaiden@gmail.com with Dangerous Protector Party Winner in the subject line.

YOU HAVE 48 HRs AFTER THE PARTY IS OVER TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE or your prize is FORFEITED and a new winner will be selected.

***PRE-PARTY, FLASH GIVEAWAYS and GRAND PRIZES do not count toward your 3 game wins***


Game # Host Prize Winner Name
 Cover Contest  Milly  $50 Amazon GC  Jessica Parsons
 Pre-Party #1  Iris  Smut Pack  Jen Martin
 Pre-Party #2  Iris  Swagmasters Bookthong  Cody Smith-Candelaria
 Pre-Party #3  Iris  Nerd Accessories keychain  Angela Walker Cruz
 Pre-Party #4 Iris   Stone Soup Designs bookmark   Susan Plake
 Pre-Party #5 Iris   Stone Soup Keyclip Kimberly Talbot 
 Pre-Party #6  Iris  Water Cup   Brooke Bumgardner
 Pre-Party #7 Iris   Stone Soup Pendant   Natasha Perez Camara
 Pre-Party #8  Iris   Nerd Accessories keychain Stephanie Roberts 
 Pre-Party #9 Iris   Stone Soup Key pendant Angela Brungardt Caldwell
 Pre-Party #10 Iris  Smut Pack   Stacey A. Smith
 Pre-Party #11 Iris  Water Cup   Karey Smith
 Pre-Party #12 Iris  Nerd Accesories keychain  Julie Dotson Hawk
 Pre-Party #13 Iris  Stone Soup Keyclip  Teracia Loretan 
 Pre-party #14  Iris  SwagMaster Bookthong  Tena Barnes
 Pre-Party #15 Iris   Stone Soup pendant  Chris Lewis
 Pre-Party #16 Iris  Nerd Accessories keychain Brenda Hook 
 Pre-Party #17 Iris  Water Cup   Angela Walker Cruz
Pre-Party #18   Iris SwagMaster Bookthong   Destiny Wright
 Pre-Party #19  Iris  Smut Pack  Barb A. Metheney-Kiser
 Pre-Party #20 Iris  Travel Mug   Kelly Erickson
 Pre-Party #21 Iris  Nerd Accessories keychain   Brittany Mcdowell
 Pre-Party #22 Iris  Stone Soup key pendant   Malinda Dianna
 Pre-Party #23 Milly  Mother’s Day Giveaway   Danielle Peterson
Pre-Party #24  Iris  Stone Soup Bookmark   Helly Kasprzak
 Pre-Party #25 Iris  Swagmasters book thong   Tiffany Saylor
 Pre-Party #26 Iris  Smut Pack   Alisha May
 Pre-Party #27 Iris   Nerd Accessories keychain  Tanya Guthrie
 Pre-Party #28 Iris   Nerd Accessories Wolf Bracelet  Heather Andrews
 Pre-Party #29 Iris  Stone Soup keyclip   Ann Ivey
 Pre-Party #30  Iris Stone Soup Bookmark   Angela Gilliland
 Pre-Party #31 Iris   Stone Soup keyclip  Dana Marie
 Pre-Party #32 Iris   Water Cup  Kimberly Diane Gill
 Pre-Party #33 Iris   Stone Soup keyclip  Kelly L. Clevinger
Door Prize  Iris Cord Bracelet   Destiny Wright
 Game #1 Iris  Smut Pack  Teracia Loretan 
 Game #2 Iris  Stone Soup ID Badge   Kelly Erickson
 Game #3  Iris   Nerd Accessories Wolf Bracelet  Rhys Christopher Ethan
 Game #4  Jenn  Their Second Chance ebook  Sony Killian
 Game #5  Jenn  Stone Soup Pendant  Dzintra Sullivan
 Game #6 Jenn  DP Tote   Bambi Fogleman
 Game #7  Iris Nerd Accessories keychain   Cara Nicole
 Game #8 Iris  Pole Tricks ebook by N Kuhn   Dana Marie
 Game #9 Iris  Stone Soup Keyclip   Margaret Wessel
 Game #10  Barb  Walk on the Striped Side ebook by Jessie Lane  Cody Smith-Candelaria
 Game #11  Barb  Smut Pack  Julie Dotson Hawk
 Game #12  Barb  Water Cup  Teracia Loretan
 Game #13 Iris  A Mate’s Bite ebook  Sarah Beaver 
Game #14  Iris  Stone Soup Bookmark  Neena Christianson-Martin 
 Game #15 Iris DP Messenger Bag   Jill Prandstratter
 Game #16 Barb   April Angel Collection ebooks  Malinda Dianna
 Game #17 Barb   Stone Soup Bead necklace  Tiffany Saylor
 Game #18 Barb   Smut Pack  Samantha Walker
 Game #19 Iris  Stone Soup Keyclip   Sonia Furbus
 Game #20 Iris   Nerd Accessories Keychain  Denise Allen Smith
 Game #21 Iris   Wolf Cord Bracelet  Patti McKenna Spell
 Game #22 Jenn  DP Wine Charms  Patti McKenna Spell 
 Game #23 Jenn  Stone Soup Pendant   Angela Gilliland
 Game #24  Jenn  Not Just Friends ebook by Lacey Wolfe  Kimberly Talbot
 Game #25 Iris  Stone Soup Key Pendant   Roxie Ferguson
 Game #26  Iris  Quick Secret Set  Bambi Fogleman
 Game #27  Iris  Nerd Accessorie Purse Charm  Shannon Hunt
 Game #28  Sheri  Friends with Benefits ebook by Anne Lange  Donna Reynolds
 Game #29  Sheri  Stone Soup Pendant  Shannon Hunt
 Game #30 Sheri    Nerd Accessories keychain  Bsue Hook
 Game #31 Sheri   DP Tote  Shandi Leonard
 Game #32  Sheri  Stone Soup Id Badge Holder  Julie Dotson Hawk
 Game #33 Sheri   Swagmasters Bookthong  Ann Ivey
 Game #34 Jenn  Boss’ Secret  Tiffany Denise
 Game #35  Jenn  Smut Pack  Angela Gilliland
 Game #36 Jenn  Bare Back ebook by N Kuhn  Paul Wedmore
 Game #37 Jenn   Stone Soup bookmark  Jessica Parsons
 Game #38 Jenn   Wolf Bracelet  Iris Pross
Game #39  Jenn   DP Messenger bag  Iris Pross
Flash Giveaway #1  Iris  Smut Pack  Kimberly Diane Gill
Flash Giveaway #2  Iris   Stone Soup keyclip  Margaret Regina Carrisoza
Game #40  Jenn  Water Cup   Jen Crowhurst
Game #41  Jenn  Smut Pack   Mary McCoy
Game #42  Jenn   Stone Soup Key Pendant  Sheri Spell
 Game #43 Iris  Dragon’s Honor & Chase set   Jodie Bivins
 Game #44 Iris  DP Tote   Lisa Errion
 Game #45  Iris Stone Soup keyclip   Amber Turner
 Game #46 Sheri   Swagmaster bookthong  Sony Killian
 Game #47  Sheri  A Mate’s Bite ebook  Nucking Futs Tammy
 Game #48 Sheri   Boss’s Secret  Nucking Futs Tammy
 Milly’s Chat Prize    Kinky Secret  Tiffany Krepps
 Bonus Chat Prize    DP Messenger Bag  Samantha Walker
 Flash Giveaway #3  Iris  Wolf bracelet  Kimberly Diane Gill
 Game #49  Iris Stone Soup Bookmark  Nucking Futs Tammy
 Game #50  Iris  Charm Bracelet  Sonia Furbus
 Game #51 Sheri   Stone Soup Keyclip Bambi Fogleman 
 Oops My Bad #49 again  Iris Travel Mug Amber Turner 
 Surprise Flash Giveaways    Nerd Accessories Swag item  Angela Gilliland

Bambi Fogleman

Lisa Errion

Sonia Furbus

 Consolation Winners #1    Cheetah Vibe  

Roxie Ferguson


Christine Villano
Jen Crowhurst


Crystal Rister


Barb Hicks


Sony Killian

Kim Thorne

 Consolation Winners #2   Surprise Stone Soup or Nerd Accessories item  Tanya Guthrie

Donna Reynalds

Karey Smith

Wanda Flanagan

Andrea Mollett

Consolation Winners #3   Backlist ebook from  Milly Taiden, April Angel, N. Kuhn, Edie Hart or Alivia Anders Tena Barnes

Jessica Parsons

Keisha Talley

Christy Hilton Hall

Eskimo Princess Alisa

 Grand Prize – Gold Medal Winner    Messenger Bag
Coffee Travel Mug
Water Cup
Smut Pack
Kinky Secret
Swagmaster Bookthong
Stone Soup Keychain
Stone Soup Key pendants
Stone Soup Bead necklace
Stone Soup Stoned Jar
Stone Soup ID Badge
Nerd Accessories – Bookmark set
Nerd Accessories – Wolf Bracelet
 Jodie Bivins 
 Silver Medal Winner   Coffee Travel Mug
Tote Bag
Smut Pack
Boss’s Secret
Swagmaster Bookthong
Stone Soup Bookmark
Stone Soup Pendant
Nerd Accessories – Keychains
Nerd Accessories – Purse Charm
 Angela Walker Cruz
 Bronze Medal Winner    Smut Pack
Swagmaster Bookthong
Stone Soup Keychain
Stone Soup Key pendant
Nerd Accessories – Bookmark set
Nerd Accessories – Keychain
Nerd Accessories –
Wine Charms
 Tiffany Krepps

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Swagtastic Review Giveaway ~ Dangerous Protector ***WINNERS ANNOUNCED***

Hello there lovely readers!


Kelly Erickson #1

Alisa Jenkins #2

Kimberly Smith #3

Amber #4

I’m having a brand new giveaway starting today through Monday 5/19

DID YOU READ Dangerous Protector?


Did you LOVE it?

Did you write a review?

Yes to all?!

Then this is the giveaway for YOU!


Send me a link to millytaidenparties@gmail.com and you will be entered to win one of these 4 AWESOME prizes…

P.S. All prizes are INTERNATIONAL Eligible!





Awesome Prize #1



Awesome Prize #2



Awesome Prize #3



Awesome Prize #4



So now that I have your attention with my awesome swag…you want to know how to win it, right?


It’s really easy!!!


If you READ and LOVED Dangerous Protector and wrote a review.

Send me a copy of your review link to: millytaidenparties@gmail.com

It could be from any of the following:

  • Good Reads
  • Amazon.com
  • Barnes and Nobles
  • Kobo

And if you send me more than one link you get extra entries for each one.

So what are you waiting for? Send me a those links for a chance to win win win!

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Dangerous Protector Release Day and Giveaway ***WINNERS POSTED***

Welcome to the Dangerous Protector Release Day Giveaway!
Dangerous Protector is Book 2 in the Federal Paranormal Unit. (Pssst! If you haven’t read Wolf Protector, grab it now for only 99 cents! Enjoy a #1 bestselling paranormal erotic suspense!)






Amazon: http://amzn.to/1rDaP66
B&N: http://bit.ly/1nEPlbr
ARe: http://bit.ly/PQpCxY




Dangerous Protector

 Federal Paranormal Unit 2

If you run from love, you’re asking for a chase…

James Brock lived the past ten years without the woman he loves. Using his job as head of the Federal Paranormal Unit to help others, he’s done a good job of ignoring his lack of a personal life until she returns. His salvation. His first love.

Cynthia Vega had a very good reason to leave the only man she loved after she’d accepted his marriage proposal. Now she’s back as his boss. And he’s not willing to ignore their chemistry or the past.

Brock is determined to claim his mate and prove that their passion is even hotter than before. He wants her and her explanation behind their separation. Except, some secrets won’t stay buried in the past. Brock will fight his demons to follow her lead, but Cynthia’s reluctance to explain their lost love may be the one key to their destruction…


Add Dangerous Protector to your GR TBR Pile!




Dangerous Protector
© Milly Taiden, Latin Goddess Press 2014

An explosion rocked the ground. He jerked his gaze to the house. Flames consumed the structure. Screams and shouts filled the night. Men moved in all directions toward the house, but gunfire blasted through the shouts. Brock’s muscles tightened.
“Can we do anything?” Donovan yelled over the sirens and shouts. She ran a hand over her mussed up ponytail. Her fingers shook. He saw the desperate need to help in her eyes. It went against her nature not to.
Brock shook his head. “We wait.”
The thought of doing nothing didn’t appeal to him either. In fact, it was hell to hold back and not run into the house and get the kid himself. His power shoved outward. Pushing to get out. To take control.
“Finally!” Galvez sighed.
Brock’s vision followed Galvez’s line of sight until he saw a woman running out through the flames with a bundle covered in a dripping blanket.
Breaths thundered in his ears. Everything narrowed until the only thing he saw was her. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Was his mind playing a trick on him? After all these years? But no, it wasn’t a trick. She was soaking wet as she ran from the burning house toward them. Paramedics surrounded her and took the covered bundle from her arms. She was gasping for air, coughing through the smoke she’d inhaled before she finally glanced up and met his gaze.
He didn’t know how long he’d been standing there, watching everything like a spectator versus an active participant. The beast inside him roared. After all the years they’d been apart, after she’d left him for no apparent reason, she was back. He watched her march toward him. Her dark gaze slid from him to Galvez.
In the background, firemen fought the burning house. Sirens continued to blare. Loud. Driving the point that chaos had ensued around them. But he couldn’t find it in him to care. His sole focus was on the woman he’d loved. Hard. The woman who’d left him.
Cynthia Vega.



Amazon: http://amzn.to/1rDaP66
B&N: http://bit.ly/1nEPlbr
ARe: http://bit.ly/PQpCxY



Prize #1

A Milly Taiden Messenger Bag!




Prize #2

Stone Soup Designs Handmade Gold DP Key Pendant



Prize #3




I know…I know you’re wondering who you have to throw into oncoming traffic to win one of these right? Nobody LOL.

BUT I do need you to do me a huge favor and share/pimp my buy links for Dangerous Protector.

  • Add DP to your GR library/ recommend it to some friends
  • Tweet (and mention me so I can know @millytaiden)
  • Facebook (tag me millytaidenpage)
  • Pin It!
    And G+
Comment with links and Pimp Pimp Pimp


That is the name of this giveaway!!! PIMP Dangerous Protector! And come back. Comment with your LINKS and tell me what you did.

Each share is one entry!

3 – winners will be chosen on 5/16…

The day Dangerous Protector Party is held. Did you RSVP? Join it now and CLICK HERE!


here: http://mad.ly/signups/87477/join


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