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Milly Taiden
Bewitching Book Tours Summer Giveaway

BBT Giveaway banner 450 x 169

Hello lovely readers!!! I am participating in the Bewitching Book Tours Summer Giveaway! For this giveaway I’d like to show off my NEW release (as in so new it came out TODAY! Friday 6/21)





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Changes she can’t understand…

When Raine Bowe volunteers for a sleep study for the extra cash, she didn’t expect to wake in a lab or to be victimized by a mad scientist. She escapes with one objective–to find someone strong enough to wage war with the evil growing inside her.

A job he will never accept…

Ryder Storm is a man with a reputation–the bad boy of his own universe. He doesn’t take prisoners, won’t give into a sweet smile, and doesn’t cut his pack an inch of slack. He knows the desperate woman in his bar is his the moment he lays eyes on her. He’ll give her anything she wants, except the one thing she’s begging for. Death.

Passion neither can fight…

Raine enlists Ryder’s help to unravel the mystery surrounding the hours she lost in the lab and to help tame the beast inside her. In their search for answers, the road will lead them to a twisted experiment involving shifters, humans, and the creation of the ultimate Alpha. He’s ready for the adventure and she’s ready for her answers. Neither are ready for the lust that calls down from the mating moon. But a wolf knows its mate, and an alpha will not stop until he or she gets what they want.



Buy Wolf Fever at:

Amazon ~ Barnes and Noble ~ ARe







Go check out the Rafflecopter and enter. Help get word out on these awesome giveaways!!!


a Rafflecopter giveaway



BBT giveaway poster

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Wolf Fever July Blog Tour and Giveaway ***WINNERS ANNOUNCED***



Kindle Winner: Iris

Prize 1 – Jennifer W

Prize 2 – Shadow K

Prize 3 – Gayle L

Prize 4 – Jessica P

Prize 5 – Lauren S

Prize 6 – Janice T

Prize 7 – Cindy M

Prize 8 – Vanessa N

Prize 9 – Eniko T 


Congratulations to ALL WINNERS!!!! I Will be emailing you for further info.

Welcome to my blog tour and giveaway!!!!

Below is the rafflecopter. Please check it out daily for a chance to win. Go visit the blogs listed below! We will have different giveaways in addition to this large one at different spots!!!



a Rafflecopter giveaway


Date of Visit

Blog Address

7/1/13 http://badbarbsreviews.blogspot.com/
7/1/13 http://antoniavanzandt.blogspot.co.uk/
7/1/13 http://coreywisniewski.blogspot.com/
7/2/13 http://smexyfabfour.blogspot.com/
7/2/13 http://www.bookaddictmumma.wordpress.com
7/2/13 http://sharinglinksandwisdom.blogspot.com
7/3/13 http://taralain.blogspot.com
7/3/13 http://www.booklovinmamas.blogspot.com
7/3/13 http://www.authorjenniferjames.com
7/4/13 http://msromanticreads.wordpress.com
7/4/13 http://shaynareneesspicyreads.blogspot.com
7/4/13 http://reviewsbycacb.blogspot.com/
7/5/13 http://www.selenaillyria.com/blog
7/5/13 http://www.ninasliteraryescape.blogspot.com
7/5/13 http://thereadingaddict-elf.blogspot.com/
7/8/13 http://officialiheartbooks.blogspot.com/
7/8/13 http://indigosin.wordpress.com/
7/8/13 http://booksbooksmorebooks.blogspot.com/
7/9/13 http://www.inadreambeyond.blogspot.com
7/9/13 http://www.katyaarmock.com/blog
7/9/13 http://www.readaholicsreviews.com
7/10/13 https://authorannelange.com/blog/
7/10/13 http://www.paranormal-bookclub.com
7/10/13 http://www.rachelfirasek.blogspot.com
7/11/13 http://closeencounterswiththenightkind.blogspot.com
7/11/13 http://www.findyournextread.blogspot.com
7/11/13 http://dreamzofdragons.blogspot.com/
7/12/13 http://www.delphinareadstoomuch.com
7/12/13 http://tcwenches.blogspot.com/
7/15/13 http://bibliophiles.blogspot.com/
7/15/13 http://iam-indeed.com/
7/16/13 http://chitsuen.blogspot.com/
7/16/13 http://asyouwishreviews.blogspot.com/
7/17/13 http://teraciasbooks.blogspot.com/
7/17/13 http://www.romfanreviews.com/
7/18/13 http://fatedparanormals.blogspot.com
7/19/13 http://www.cocktailsandbooks.com
7/19/13 http://brattyadaline.blogspot.com
7/22/13 http://tasteofcyn.com/
7/22/13 http://wickedreadingsbytawania.blogspot.com
7/22/13 http://thejeepdiva.com/
7/23/13 http://www.rbtlreviews.com/
7/24/13 http://buffy-kennedy.blogspot.com/
7/24/13 http://jillprand.blogspot.com
7/25/13 http://stephaniesbookreports.blogspot.com
7/25/13 http://www.tattooedbookreview.com
7/26/13 http://girlygirlbookreviews.wordpress.com/
7/29/13 http://coreywisniewski.blogspot.com/
7/29/13 http://paranormalbooks.blogspot.com/
7/30/13 http://herdingcats-burningsoup.blogspot.com
7/31/13 http://paranormalbookfairy.blogspot.com/
7/31/13 http://www.welovekink.com
7/31/13 http://mina-carter.com


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Swagtastic Review Giveaway – Wolf Fever ***WINNERS ANNOUNCED***

Apologies for delay in providing winners…I was in Vegas! :D

#1: Sue Ellen Robertson

#2 Christy Therrien

#3: Nikki Trettel

Congratulations! I’ll email you all for your address!

Hello there lovely readers!


I’m having a brand new giveaway starting today through Monday 7/22

DID YOU READ Wolf Fever?

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00068]

Did you LOVE it?

Did you write a review?

Then this is the giveaway for YOU!

Send me a link to mtgiveaways@gmail.com and you will be entered to win one of these 3 AWESOME prizes…


Awesome Prize #1 – (US/CA only)



A Wolf Fever LARGE Tote and a handmade by Jennifer James specialty bookmark


Awesome Prize #2 (Int’l)



A Wolf Fever key chain and a mouse pad


Awesome Prize #3 (Int’l)



Wolf Fever swag pack and specialty handmade bookmark


So now that I have your attention with my awesome swag…you want to know how to win it, right?

It’s really easy!!!

If you READ and LOVED Wolf Fever and wrote a review.

Send me a copy of your review link to: mtgiveaways@gmail.com

It could be from any of the following:

  • Good Reads
  • Amazon.com
  • Barnes and Nobles
  • Kobo

And if you send me more than one link you get extra entries for each one.

So what are you waiting for? Send me a those links for a chance to win win win!



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Wolf Fever Release Party – WINNERS


Want to know who won at the pre-party and the release party games? Winners listed below in order of game played and prize to be awarded!

***Party is JUNE 28-30 PRE-PARTY begins June 18th***

DID YOU WIN? AWESOME!!! GO BACK TO THE PARTY AND PM Master Pimp Iris with your address or email address if you won a book (be sure to include the format you prefer or you will end up with a PDF).

Having problems getting her on Facebook? Email her at smexyfabfour@gmail.com with Wolf Fever Party Winner in the subject line.

YOU HAVE 48 HRs or your prize is FORFEITED and a new winner will be selected.

 ***PRE-PARTY, GRAND and SECONDARY PRIZES do not count toward your 3 game wins***



Host Prize


 Pre-Party (Author Likes) Random Winner  Iris – Author likes for Selena Illyria  Keep Calm Wolf Fever Bookmark  Gaele Hi
 Pre-Party (Author Likes) Random Winner Iris – Author likes for Edie Hart  Quote WF Bookmark  Becky White
 Pre-Party (Author Likes) Random Winner  Iris – Author likes for Mina Carter (BFF)  Jen James Book thong  Keona El
 Pre-Party (Random Shares) Winner  Milly for Shares  Signed Sharp Change Print  Tina Connors Myers
 Pre-Party (Author Likes) Random Winner  Iris – Author likes for Jennifer James  Milly made Keychain  Eniko Tolnai
 Pre-Party (Random Shares) Winner  Milly for Shares  Bath Ball from Lush  Kirsten Lamberton
 Pre-Party (Author Likes) Random Winner  Iris – Author likes for Dee Pratt  Quote WF Pendant  Kelly Smith
 Pre-Party (Random Shares) Winner  Milly for Shares  Bath Ball from Lush Crystal Newman
 Pre-Party (Author Likes) Random Winner  Iris – Author likes for Antonia Van Zandt  Keep calm wolf fever bookmark  Tami Peterson
 Pre-Party (Random Shares) Winner  Milly for Shares  Lush Bath Item  Michelle WilsonTheresa Esterline
 Pre-Party (Author Likes) Random Winner  Iris – Author likes for Cynthia Sax  WF Quote Pendant  Cindy Mucha Barton
 Pre-Party (Random Shares) Winner  Milly for Shares  Lush Bath Item  Cindy J. SmithJovhanna Caltzontzi
 Pre-Party (Author Likes) Random Winner  Iris – Author likes for Rachel Firasek  Milly made Keychain  Dawn Doyle
 Pre-Party (Random Shares) Winner  Milly for Shares  Milly Made Blue Bead Bracelet  Zita Martin
 Pre-Party (Author Likes) Random Winner  Iris – Author likes for Alivia Anders  Jen James Book thong  Dawn Doyle
 Pre-Party (Random Shares) Winner  Milly for Shares  Milly made gold bead bracelet and print of WP  Tina Connors Myers
 Pre-Party (Author Likes) Random Winner  Iris – Author likes for Tara Lain WF Quote Pendant  Shadow Kohler
 Rules Acknowledgement – Door Prize  Milly  JJ Bracelet Set  Nikki McCarver
 Sexy Pick Up line  Sheri  Close Protection – Mina Carter  Crystal Newman
 Tag line for adult toy  Sheri  WF Mousepad  Karen Roma
 Funny story with special words  Jen  WF JJ Book Thong  Anne Lange
 Kid found drawer full of toy  Jen  Dragon’s at Midnight – Selena Illyria  Nikki McCarver
 Fill in the blanks  Jen  Milly Keychain  Barbara Burdette
 Sexy guy pic  Barbie  WF Swag Pack  Wanda Yeoman
 Fill in the blanks  Barbie  Attachment – Dee Pratt  Michelle Wilson
 Caption tomato penis  Iris  Ethereal – Alivia Anders  Jennifer Wedmore
 Wordgo  Iris  WF Tote Lee Ryder
 Plastic people  Jen  JJ book thong  Heather Andrews
 Ahnold photo  Jen  Stone soup keychain  Jen James
 Luscious game  Jen  The Last Rising – Rachel Firasek  Christy Therrien
 Caption balloon   Sheri  The Prisoner – Dani-Lyn Alexander  Tina Connors Myers
 Cucumber hammer balloon sexy guy  Sheri  WF Tote  Jen Wedmore
 Caption this rain nudists  Sheri  Milly Keychain  Belinda B Simmons
 Caption dog  Iris  Volley Balls – Tara Lain  Sheri Spell
 Favorite color  Milly   Tote (Surprise tote)  Rhonda Perkins
Wordgo  Iris  Swagpack  Christy Therrien
 Caption weird car  Iris  One Bad Day – Edie Hart  Jill Prand
 Milly fave vacation spot  Milly  SURPRISE  Teracia Loretan
 Milly Chat  Milly  JJ cuff type bracelet  Karen Roma
 Caption Dancing Guy  Iris Milly Keychain  Jen Wedmore
 Find Ryder!  Iris  WF Stone Soup Quote Bookmark  Teracia Loretan
 Caption Kitty  Jen  Marak – Mina Carter  Kirsten Lamberton
 Sub Photo Caption  Jen  WF Stone Soup Pendant  Kirsten Lamberton
 Story Time  Jen  WF Swag Pack  Shadow Kohler
 Story – Milly  Barbie WF Mousepad  Jessica Baker-Bridgers
 Wordgo  Barbie  JJ Book thong  Sheri Spell
 Caption the two men  Barbie  Menage Lost – Cynthia Sax  Dawn Doyle
 Caption Storm Trooper  Sheri  Caged Heat  Andrea Wylie
 Fill in the blanks  Sheri  Nerd Accessories Keychain  Jessica Bakers-Bridgers
 Caption Photo  Sheri  Without Adien – Dianne Hartstock  Barb Hicks
 Wordgo  Barbie  Milly Keychain  Andrea Wylie
 Caption photo  Barbie A Hero’s Pride – April Angel  Barbara Burdette
 Caption body builder  Sheri  Draven’s Crossings – Selena Illyria  Beckey White
 Flash shares winner Iris  Milly Bracelet (charms)  Jessica Bakers-Bridgers
 Caption kid  Iris  WF Mousepad  Sheri Spell
 Wordgo  Iris  Long Time Coming – Jennifer James  Barbara Burdette *3rd and final GAME win
 Fill in the blanks  Jen  JJ Book Thong  Zee Hayat
 Caption this  Jen  Snow Balls – Tara Lain  Sheri Spell
 Flash shares winner  Iris  SURPRISE (Give Iris your address and email)  Zee Hayat
 Create a story  Jen  Milly Keychain  Tina Connors Myers
 Wordgo  Iris  Quote Bookmark  Shadow Kohler
 Caption Fishnets  Iris  WF Tote  Dawn Doyle
 Secondary Prize #1  Milly  Surprise TOTE  Sheri Spell
 Secondary Prize #2  Milly  Surprise TOTE  Shadow Kohler
 Secondary Prize #3  Milly  Surprise TOTE  Dawn Doyle
 Secondary Prize #4  Milly  Surprise TOTE  Kirsten Lamberton
 Secondary Prize #5  Milly  Surprise TOTE  Crystal Newman
 Consolation #1  Milly  surprise item from Stone Soup Designs  Eniko Tolnai
 Consolation #2  Milly  Surprise item from Stone Soup Designs Ikelia ‘Hurul-ayni’ Francis
 Consolation #3 Milly  Surprise item from Stone Soup Designs  Christy Therrien
 Grand Prize #1 (GOLD)  Milly  Tote
Swag Pack
Mouse pad
Stone Soup Keychain
Stone Soup Necklace
Stone Soup Bracelet
Stone soup earrings
“Nerd Accessories –
Jen James Bookmark
$10 Amazon GC
Ebook set
 Tina Connors Myers
 Grand Prize #2 (Silver)  Milly  Tote
swag pack
Stone Soup bracelet
Stone Soup pendant
Jen James Bookmark
“Nerd Accessories
Stone Soup Ring
$5Amazon GC
Ebook set
 Iris Pross
 Grand Prize #3 (Bronze)  Milly  Bracelet
Book Thong
2 ebooks
and a $5 amazon.com GC
 Teracia Loretan



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Hello lovely readers! It’s the day! OMG OMG OMG holy sex on a cracker!!!! Wolf Fever cover reveal!!! YEEEHAW!!!! I’m so excited I swear I’m ready to birth kittens…or wolf pups LOL. Thank you to all the bloggers and FB fans who are taking part. Without further ado…




Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00068]


Changes she can’t understand…

When Raine Bowe volunteers for a sleep study for the extra cash, she didn’t expect to wake in a lab or to be victimized by a mad scientist. She escapes with one objective–to find someone strong enough to wage war with the evil growing inside her.

A job he will never accept…

Ryder Storm is a man with a reputation–the bad boy of his own universe. He doesn’t take prisoners, won’t give into a sweet smile, and doesn’t cut his pack an inch of slack. He knows the desperate woman in his bar is his the moment he lays eyes on her. He’ll give her anything she wants, except the one thing she’s begging for. Death.

Passion neither can fight…

Raine enlists Ryder’s help to unravel the mystery surrounding the hours she lost in the lab and to help tame the beast inside her. In their search for answers, the road will lead them to a twisted experiment involving shifters, humans, and the creation of the ultimate Alpha. He’s ready for the adventure and she’s ready for her answers. Neither are ready for the lust that calls down from the mating moon. But a wolf knows its mate, and an alpha will not stop until he or she gets what they want.







Wolf Fever Book Trailer

Meet the people that will make you fall in love with Wolf Fever

Raine Bowe

characterbio RB



Ryder Storm

characterbio RS



wf quote

I hope you’re as excited to read Wolf Fever as I am for you to!

Wolf Fever Coming 6/21

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