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Milly Taiden
Guest Author & Giveaway – Tara Lain – Hearts and Flour


Thanks so much for visiting today! I have the hottest M/M writer this side of the universe for you as a treat! The lovely Tara Lain is going to talk to you about her Beautiful Boys of Romance. Her latest release, Hearts and Flour, is a brand spanking new romance from Etopia Press. Join me in welcoming her and thanks for reading her blog. 

Check out her giveaway and let’s give Tara some love!



Ready to Meet the Beautiful Boys of Romance?

Hi everyone. I’m so happy to be here at Milly’s today. Milly writes the hottest male/female romance around! Me? Well, I write the Beautiful Boys of Romance. Yep, I write MM romance. Have you ever read one? If not, you might want to give it a try. After all, the average reader of MM romance is a woman between 30 and 60. And most writers of MM romance are women. Surprising, huh?

I had never read M/M romance until a few years ago.  In fact, I didn’t even know that M/M fiction existed and, if I had known, it wouldn’t have occurred to me to read it. I didn’t own an e-reader so I bought my paperbacks from Amazon. But I did like erotic romance. I was reading an erotic romance author’s MF paranormal books and loved them so I ordered another book of hers from Amazon without reading the blurb! Imagine my surprise when it arrived and was a M/M book. I started to read, kind of looking over my shoulder to be sure no one was watching!  I loved it!

Now I write my Beautiful Boys of Romance in all descriptions. My new release is a quirky,  LGBT contemporary erotic romance called Hearts and Flour about the unlikely attraction between a vegan, raw-food fanatic and a cupcake baker. This is my 16th published work and all but one have either gay or bisexual heroes. As you can tell, I’m thoroughly hooked on writing MM fiction. Here are a few things I’ve learned reading and writing male/male books:

  • Male/male books have fewer gender stereotypes. It’s not unusual in these books for both men to be hunky alphas, for one of them to be more effeminate but still very dominant, or any combination. My artist character in Fire Balls is tiny and effeminate but also a black belt in karate and a dominant in bed.
  • If you are a female reader, you don’t have a woman in these books with whom you automatically identify so you get the experience of identifying with a man.
  • If you’re a gay man reading a M/M book, you get to see your world imagined by someone who has no limitations of your real life constraining the fantasy. No “but that never happened to me so it can’t happen.” You get a bigger fantasy.
  • You get to see two men (or more if you read my books LOL) in love which is very cool. It’s not the same as women in love with men. It’s just not. Since, for many male couples, marriage and family isn’t yet the common practice (hope it will be soon), the relationship has to be about more than security or fulfilling family or societal expectations.
  • Gay or bisexual men still bear huge burdens of discrimination so, even if those issues play a small role in the story, you get to admire the bravery of men who declare their love for each other.
  • Men can be just as sappy and emotional as women. I know. I read MM romances by male writers too.  The deeply felt emotions pour from the pages and the ever after is just as happy.
  • And, of course, the simplest reason. If like me you adore men, then two is better!

And just think, if you own an ereader, you don’t even have to glance over your shoulder to see who’s looking!  LOL I hope you’ll let some beautiful boys creep into your reading among those alpha males and feisty females.  Bet you’ll be a convert too.


Would you like to join our I Love Hearts and Flour Party?

Grand Prize? A Beautiful Cupcake Soap and Cherry Vanilla Sugar Scrub! 100_75_csupload_52976736

Second Prize? A $5 Amazon GC . (Plus, there’s a book drawing–see below) Here’s what you do!


  • Promo Hearts and Flour and/or Tara Lain in some way. Tweet it, Post it on FB, Pin it, email to friends, Like the Amazon Page, Post it on Google Plus, Share in a Goodreads group, add it to Shelfari, etc. Be creative!

  • Then put a comment below saying what you did (with your email so I can find you!).

  • You can enter AGAIN at Beautiful Boys Books — if you do another promo

  • And there’s a special drawing for a backlist book too if you post on your blog or review the book.

  •  Come to Beautiful Boys Books for all the rules if you want. First, do your promo and post your comment below with your email.


Excerpt : HEARTS AND FLOUR by Tara Lain; MM Contemporary; The Vegan and the Cupcake Baker

Available at Amazon  ARe




To Micah Truveen, raw, vegan food is his religion. So when his devoted customers show up with white flour cupcakes, Micah could kill. Then Mic

ah comes home to find his boyfriend, Dharamaram, in bed with someone else. He throws the rat out and agrees to go to his friend’s orgiastic anti-Valentines party where he meets a gorgeous cross-dressing guy who gives him a night to remember.

Southerner Quentin Darby wishes he could stop wearing women’s clothes. He so wants to live up to his grandmother’s glowing opinion of him, he’s never even told her he’s gay. And now there’s Micah who makes him wish he could just be who he is. But Micah finds out that Quentin is the baker responsible for the plague of cupcakes afflicting the community! And Dharmaram adds a little blackmail to the mix. Can two hearts rise above the flour?




Gasping for breath, he stopped outside the store. Locked. Of course. It was only eight thirty in the morning. At least Dharmaram’s class didn’t start until nine. If only Quentin would come here to the shop right after he dropped off his grandmother. Or maybe even before. Oh God. What if he went in and Dharmaram confronted them together? No warning. Just a smack in the face. Maybe he should run to the yoga studio? He took two steps down the pavement—



He turned back to see that beautiful face. A beautiful face and body—dressed in men’s clothes. He’d seen Quentin as Queen. He’d seen Quentin naked. But this was the first time seeing him as a man.


Of course, that masculine image was slightly compromised by the fact that Quentin wore an apron over his jeans and T-shirt. An apron covered in flour and dough. Micah wanted to lick it off. The first processed food he’d had in years.

Quentin wiped his hands. “What did you want?”

His eyes wouldn’t focus. He just wanted to keep staring at that loveliness.

“Maybe I could get one of your raw cupcakes?”

“You came here before opening for a cupcake?”

Micah shook his head. “No. I have something to tell you. Something pretty awful.”

Quentin frowned. “Something more awful than you going back to your yoga teacher a few hours after we had sex?”

Micah breathed out hard. “It’s related to that. Where can we talk?”

“There’s people baking in the kitchen. You know, baking that poison I make and force on people?” He stood very upright.

“I’m truly sorry for that. Just, please, let me tell you what’s happened.”

“OK.” Quentin stepped aside and pointed to the back. Micah walked into the shop, assailed again by the sweetest of smells. No second sweetest, after Quentin.

Quentin walked through the door that led to the kitchen and Micah followed. He turned right and stepped into a small o


ffice with a desk, computer, and a filing cabinet. Quentin pointed to a straight-back chair across from the desk. He took the desk chair. “So what did you want to tell me?”

Whew. Face-to-face, this was tough duty. His heart beat so hard he could feel it in his toes. “I, uh, I really care about you.”

Who knew Quentin’s face could get that angry. “You sure have a unique way of showing it, sugah.”

“Wait. I’ve done a bunch of dumb things, and I’m not sure which is dumbest. First, I did that whole priggish song and dance about the cupcakes being poison when I should have been telling you how much I admire you and appreciate how you take care of your grandmother. And I really want to know why you created those raw cupcakes—” he held up a hand “—but first I have to tell you about my other idiot moves. The reason you saw me with Dharmaram is because he was blackmailing me. He figured out that the beautiful woman he saw me with is the grandson of his most proper southern lady student, and he threatened to tell Mary Beth about you if I didn’t take him back in. What you saw was him moving his stuff into my guest room. That’s guest room.”

Quentin’s mouth literally hung open. “But why did you do that? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Micah shrugged. “I knew if I told you, you’d immediately come out to your grandmother, and I didn’t want to force you to do something you didn’t want to do.”

“So you’ve been hosting that snake in the grass on account of me?” The blue eyes widened to saucer expanse.

Micah shifted in the chair. “I was. But that’s why I ran here so fast this morning. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I woke up this morning and he was climbing in bed with me. I threw him out again.”


“Not good, because he’s going to go straight to Mary Beth and—”

“Who’s going straight to me, darling?”

The soft southern voice came around the partly closed door followed by a curly head and blue eyes that sparkled just like her grandson’s.

He would have smiled but fear seemed to have frozen him solid. What could they say? All he could do was follow Quentin’s lead.

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Tara Lain’s first erotic romance novel was published in January of 2011. She’s now on book 17. Her best-selling novels have garnered awards for Best Series of 2011, Best Contemporary Romance, Best Ménage, Best LGBT Romance and Tara has been named Best Writer of the Year in the LRC Awards. In her other job, Tara owns an advertising and public relations firm, and she carries her promotional instincts into her writing career as well. She lives with her soul-mate husband in Laguna Beach, California, a pretty seaside town where she sets a lot of her books.  Passionate about diversity, justice, and new experiences, Tara says on her tombstone it will say “Yes”!

E-mail:                   tara@taralain.com

Website:              http://www.taralain.com

Author blog:       http://taralain.blogspot.com

Book blog:           http://beautifulboysbooks.blogspot.com

Goodreads:        http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4541791.Tara_Lain

Pinterest:         http://pinterest.com/taralain/

Twitter:               http://twitter.com/taralain

Facebook:           http://www.facebook.com/people/Tara-Lain/100001514105686

FB Page:          http://www.facebook.com/taralain

Amazon:          http://www.amazon.com/Tara-Lain/e/B004U1W5QC/

B&N                 http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Tara-Lain?keyword=Tara+Lain&store=book

ARe      http://www.allromanceebooks.com/storeSearch.html?searchBy=author&qString=Tara+Lain


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Chocolate, Roses and Handcuffs – Giveaway Hop

Full Moon Bites


Welcome to my stop on the Chocolate, Roses and Handcuffs Giveaway Hop!

I love chocolate and purple roses are my favorite but handcuffs? brrr. LOVE! With sexiness in mind…I’d like to give you an excerpt from my WICKED VALENTINE. Newest release. Enjoy!!!






Nina took a few steps toward the dimly lit passage in the woods before she turned to Max’s enquiring voice. “I’m just going to the ladies room for a moment.” She pointed in the direction of the trees.

“Wait! That’s not…”

She ignored Max’s call to her and strolled off, breaking twigs and dead leaves with each step. Mosquitoes nibbled on her legs, each bite a constant reminder that she wished she was home in her bed, relaxing, or at least with someone that would help her fight the arousal shooting through her whenever she glanced at Max. But she’d broken up with her last boyfriend a while back. Since he didn’t get the message that she was no longer interested, she had stopped going to the places she might encounter him.

With each step she took, the sound of the river beckoned her in its direction. Her foot caught, and she tripped on a branch. She squealed as the earth tilted in front of her. Rocky ground rushed up to meet her face.

A strong pair of hands grabbed her by the waist and hauled her backward. “I got you.” Max’s deep voice caressed her ear while he helped her straighten.

Swooshing from water streaming nearby and crickets, somewhere in the vicinity, were the only sounds to be heard. Each noise drove home the fact she was outdoors and anyone could come by, not that she cared.

He shifted her in his arms until she faced him, her front leaning heavily into his muscled body. She sighed, glancing up into his shadowed face. Not that she needed light to know what his delectable square jaw looked like. Or how brilliant his blue eyes were. He leaned back into a thick tree trunk, pulling her with him.

Slow caresses trailed down her back, making her shiver and her blood thicken in her veins. With each intimate touch, her body throbbed. It was time to stop torturing herself. She couldn’t fight her body any longer.

“I think you’ve had a few too many, beautiful. Let’s get you back to your cabin.”

“No.” She lifted on the tips of her trainers, curled her hands around his neck, and pulled his head down to her. “Now stop torturing me, and kiss me, damn it.”

He groaned softly. “Sabrina, you’ve definitely had too much to drink. Sneaking in wine was not part of the agenda, you know.” He stroked down her spine to the curve of her ass and palmed her cheeks.

She huddled closer, cradling his erection in the juncture of her thighs. “I know it wasn’t, but Eve is boring. And it’s not that I’ve had too much too much to drink. I’ve just had enough, Max. I’m tired of fighting this. I want you.”

“Baby, you hate my guts.” He chuckled, lowered, and dropped a kiss on her nose.

Arousal gathered inside her, heating her blood by more degrees than she cared to admit. “No. I don’t hate you. I just don’t like that I want you so much.” She kissed his jaw, loving the sound of his sharp inhale when she licked his neck.


Breaths mingled, gazes connected, and wet heat dripped from her sex. It was pure torture to have his sexy mouth so close and not get a taste. “Just kiss me, Max. I need you.”

Peaks of tension zigzagged inside her and made her shudder. He held her neck with one hand, tilted her head back, and swooped down for a kiss. Potent need, unlike any she’d ever felt before, possessed her. She whimpered into the sensual kiss. Each swipe of his tongue over hers added kindling to the explosions going off inside her. She raked her nails down his T-shirt, over his hard-muscled chest, and to his jeans. “Fuck me.”

He drew back from their kiss, ending the twining of their tongues. A scowl, deeply etched on his face, showed his disbelief at her words. But this time she wasn’t going with logic. She decided to give in to what her body desired. And it desired Max.

“Sabr—” One soft moan left his lips when she gripped his cock over his jeans.

“Max, this isn’t a game. I want to see you.” She panted, unbuckling his belt. “I want to touch you.” Excitement rushed through her, urging her to unzip his jeans. “I want to taste you…”


I hope you enjoyed that! Now let’s get to the goodies.

  • A winner will be chosen to receive a $5 amazon.com GC 
  • Be sure to use the rafflecopter for more entries!!!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway



You can click on the button below to go back to the main hop page, or you can go down the list to the next name after mine. Thanks for stopping by and continue hopping!!!

Full Moon Bites


1. Full Moon Bites (INT) 15. Candace Blevins 29. Sable Hunter (INT)
2. Cari Silverwood 16. Trillium 30. Kelli Scott/Lip Service
3. Kallypso Masters 17. Not Now…Mommy’s Reading 31. Mary @SweepingMe (Int)
4. Hot Listens INT 18. Milly Taiden (INT)  32. Malia Mallory
5. Nicole Morgan 19. Ria Candro 33. Delilah Devlin
6. Natasha Blackthorne (INT) 20. herding cats & burning soup (INT) 34. Kylie Scott
7. Blackraven’s Erotic Cafe (INT) 21. Passionate Encounters (INT) 35. Cassandra Carr (INT)
8. AJ’s Reading Nook (INT) 22. KH LeMoyne – Fantasy Powered by Love 36. Close Encounters with the Night Kind
9. Blackraven’s Reviews (INT) 23. monkeycstars (US) 37. Ciaran Dwynvil (INT)
10. The Readers Roundtable (INT) 24. Eliza Gayle 38. Hennessee Andrews
11. Dark Divas Reviews (INT) 25. Tessa Wanton’s Dark Desires (INT) 39. Felicity Heaton, PNR author (INT)
12. HEA Romances With A Little Kick 26. Ana (INT) 40. Share My Destiny (INT)
13. Ashlynne Laynne- Paranormal Romance and Beyond (US) 27. Helena Harker (INT) 41. Red Phoenix’s Sensual Erotica
14. Skye Warren 28. Regina May Ross’s Blog (INT)

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Wynter’s Captive Now Available!

Get your copy of Wynter’s Captive today!

Being held captive for winter never felt so good


Being held captive for winter never felt so good.

Lili is on her way to her cousin’s wedding when she thinks she hit a man in the road. Leaving the safety of her car to check on him turns out the be a big mistake, and pretty soon Lili is being abducted and held against her will by a super-sexy wolf who her body longs to touch. But just because he’s hot doesn’t mean she’s going to remain a captive.

Cade is not just an alpha, he’s a very wealthy man, used to getting what he wants. So when he attempts to abduct his ex-friend’s fiancé, he doesn’t expect to wind up with the wrong woman. Just how did he wind up with the maid of honor? And why does the woman melt every inch of him? But when she escapes, real danger awaits her beyond his protection. Cade must convince her to see beyond his deception if he has any chance to keep her alive.


Buy it now:

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Barnes and Nobles


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Cover Reveal for Jennifer Blaney!



My debut paranormal romance, A Special’s Love will be released on February 4th, 2013 This amazing cover was designed by the fabulous Crystal Clifton and Jenee  Mathes. I have added contact information for them below. A Special’s Love is the first in a series, and will be available from Amazon.com in ebook and if everything goes as planned it will be on Smashwords shortly after release. So come check out this Special Love.




Kyle was not sure if he should tell her to take a hike or hug her, she looked so nervous he just couldn’t stop looking at her eyes.  Shaking himself out of his daze he looked up at her sighed, offered his hand to shake and said “Hi, my name is Kyle, I’m Jane’s brother.”

As they touched to shake hands, Brianna started to have a vision of her and Kyle sitting on a couch.  Not sure what house they were in, he was cuddling with her on the couch rubbing her large baby bump stomach.

Kyle just stood there staring at her and for the life of him he couldn’t figure out why.  He noticed she was crying the urge to take her in his arms and make all the bad stuff go away was strong and he didn’t even know the woman. He took his hand back and then he said “I don’t know why I should trust you, but for the life of me I do.  If you harm my sister in any way you will regret it, got it?”

“I understand, but let me just say I am not here to harm your sister.  I am here to help her.  What I have to say may help ease the ache in her heart” Brianna said to Kyle.



Carrie Fort is my contact person online


Cover Artist

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SSS: Wicked Valentine

This my first bit of Wicked Valentine before it releases JANUARY 25th!!!


“Baby, you hate my guts.”

He chuckled, lowered, and dropped a kiss on her nose.

Arousal gathered inside her, heating her blood by more degrees than she cared to admit.

“I don’t hate you. I just don’t like that I want you so much.”

She kissed his jaw, loving the sound of his sharp inhale when she licked his neck.



Take a moment to read my latest release. Go get a copy now!




Being held captive for winter never felt so good.

Lili is on her way to her cousin’s wedding when she thinks she hit a man in the road. Leaving the safety of her car to check on him turns out the be a big mistake, and pretty soon Lili is being abducted and held against her will by a super-sexy wolf who her body longs to touch. But just because he’s hot doesn’t mean she’s going to remain a captive.

Cade is not just an alpha, he’s a very wealthy man, used to getting what he wants. So when he attempts to abduct his ex-friend’s fiancé, he doesn’t expect to wind up with the wrong woman. Just how did he wind up with the maid of honor? And why does the woman melt every inch of him? But when she escapes, real danger awaits her beyond his protection. Cade must convince her to see beyond his deception if he has any chance to keep her alive.

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